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Our house is a very, very fine house
with two cats in the yard
life used to be so hard
now everything is easy
'cause of you.
( Crosby, Stills,Nash &Young)

" Did you also think that Liam was acting strangly when you talked with him lately? " Niall turns his head to have a better look at Harry who his driving his car to Dublin.

"He was fine, I guess.. okay when I think about it he was a bit tensed, but also rambled a lot, sounded excited, I'm not sure though." Harry shrugs and throws a brief glance at his boyfriend.

" It's nothing most likely, he's just excited that everyone will meet again, I'd say" Harry continues, he can't put his finger on it but he remembers his vague feeling that Liam seemed a bit off.

" Do you know that some of Zayn's mates are also coming ? " Niall asks a bit hesitantly as he isn't sure whether Liam has told Harry too, the whole story how he first met Zayn's best friend El.
" No, how would you know, pet ? " Harry's raises his brows questioningly as he notices Niall's strained voice.

" Liam mentioned it when he invited us to stay the night at his parents's farm, he wanted to know whether we'd prefer to sleep in the barn or in one of the guestrooms in the main house.
The barn has a heater and it's pretty comfy and gives us more privacy and that .. that did it for me to choose the barn." Niall says with a cheeky grin and winks at his boyfriend before Harry has his eyes back to the road again.

" I'd never turn down a night in a barn with my hot boyfriend" Harry grins wiggling his eyebrows while his hand reaches for Niall's thigh giving it a teasing squeeze dangerously close to his crotch not missing him inhale sharply.

"Is there anything I should better know about Zayn's friends ?
You sounded a bit tensed when you mentioned them."
Harry wants to know and his voice sounds completely serious again while his eyes wouldn't leave the busy motorway.
Too many people travel on new year's eve so that the streets are crowded and sleet turning them into a skating rink isn't helping either.

" His best friend El is coming, I met her once when she came to St. Andrews with Zayn. She's a great girl, Liam and her get along very well.... I mean after she caused the first trouble in paradise.."

"What happened there ?" Harry cuts in, his brows raising once more.
Niall turns his head just so much that he can easily look at his boyfriend again.
His heart does a little flip like it always does when he takes everything in, his sharp jawline, his voluptuous pink lips, his prominent nose that is just a bit too long, his sparkling emerald-green eyes and the slight frown he itches to wipe away with soothing fingertips.

Harry epitomises beauty, is perfect with all his little imperfections and Niall thinks that he needs to relearn how to breathe because Harry takes his breath away whenever he looks at him.

" A penny for your thoughts, pet..." Harry's deep voice startles Niall out of his reverie.

" Been thinking about ya, darlin'..." he admits sheepishly throwing a lovingly gaze at the man behind the wheel.

" Is that so ? " Harry teases and Niall knows without seeing that Harry's face shows this lopsided smile that is just a tiny bit cocky.

" Yer make me so happy, Harry. Whenever I look at ya I feel that I can't breathe in enough oxygen.
Ya dunno what ya doing with me...."

Niall trails off feeling his cheeks heating up and warmth spreading throughout his stomach while all the butterflies come alive within a blink.

He is in love, so much in love that his heart aches when he only thinks of him and it is like his heart swells and swells and becomes a bit too big for his chest, and he fears it's going to burst at any moment because it's too small for all the love he feels.

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