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Listen to the song above while reading

You and me we used to be together
Every day together always
I really feel that I'm losing
my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end

After eating a small breakfast with his parents, Harry is now in his car.He is driving back to Cork to continue his studies. Honestly, he's torn between both excitement and fear regarding leaving.

He is glad to see his mates and friends. Hopefully, they can distract him from replaying all of the layered memories that are floating around in his mind.Harry is thankful to be surrounded by helpful and trustworthy fellow students. Some of them he would even call friends.They managed a lot of their group work without his help and were perfectly fine with him delivering only a small part of the assignment that he just e- mailed to them.

Astonishingly, he was capable of writing a few lines of the song that was part of the group assignment for his advanced music class.

The days after Gemma's sudden death he spent hours lying on her little grey sofa curled up between dozens of floral and checkered cushions in white, green, and pink. Snuggled into one of the larger pillows, he smelt a whiff of her perfume and can easily imagine her presence. Though only imaginary, it soothed him for a while.

Two days after the funeral he found himself sitting in her room again and humming a little tune when they came into his mind the first lines of the song he needed to write for his assignment. They were requested to write a song about someone special in their lives. The song had to contain a specific meaning. It couldn't be some random love song .

Before he left his parent's house, he entered her room and let his eyes wander over her belongings and then he discovered that little brown teddy bear dressed in a light pink ballet costume.
He robbed his piggy bank to purchase the little bear almost eleven years ago. Gemma was having her first ballet performance and was so terrified with stage fright that Harry gave her the little pet as a lucky charm.
From this day on it was hidden in her school bag each time she had to go through a test or exam. Her little ballet bear !
Harry knew exactly what he was searching for when he stepped into her room .He reached for the little bear and put it carefully into his duffel bag.

While Harry is driving on the fortunately not crowded motorways, he makes some mental notes about what needs to be done once he arrives in Cork. First he needs to buy a new phone because he lost his old one somewhere in the woods near the scene of accident.

His father went to look for the phone early in the morning but couldn't find it. It's most definitely hidden and smashed between knee high weeds and bushes . .. somewhere between where all of the firemen, paramedics, and policemen walked back and forth in order to rescue Niall.

It was hard to leave his parents this morning . . . mainly his mum. Especially now that he's the only child left.
She has been so strong over the last twelve days. Harry doesn't know where she got all of the energy from. Anne managed everything including all of the preparations for the funeral and the endless parade of emphatic neighbors, friends, and extended family that came to see them to offer all kinds of support.
While all of the time this was happening, she was kind to everyone. However, the hours that she was alone was spent with everything inside of her screaming from grief.

Harry is worried about how she will be doing when everyone has left, his father has returned back to work, and nobody else is at home. His mum is working part time and compounded with her being alone comes the opportunity to focus on haunting memories and grief.
In his eyes her behavior was almost non-human and he dreads the moment that the wall around her begins to crumble and fall in eventually. He fears her meltdown and that he won't be there to help her as much as she supported him over the last 12 days.

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