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"Sorry mate, I shouldn't have blurt it out like this. How are you doing Liam? " Harry feels sorry for being so straight forward .
"Don't..., it's okay. I'll get us a pint . Then you will tell me what's going on.

Liam leaves Harry to order their pints and they boths head towards a quieter place away from the bar.
They are lucky to find two seats in a corner and take place "What is it Harry, I should help you with," Liam wants to know. He isn't sure but he assumes it might be something relating Niall.

" I told you that I would visit Niall today, didn't I ? Okay. How shall I start then? He was so strange, so cold, you know.
Maybe lifeless is too much as a description but kind of right though. Talking to him felt like talking to a complete stranger." Harry explains hoping that Liam gets what he means.

Liam doesn't respond but his facial expression shows that he's paying attention to every single word.

Harry continues his report about Niall's condition and everything Maura has told him in confidence. " Liam I know you are not a psychologist, but I've been hoping you might know someone who could help that Niall won't have to wait too long for a place. Or at least someone to suggest where to get more informations about therapy places....Don't get it wrong, I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you. I just..."

" Harry, relax. It's alright .." Liam cuts him off.
"I might help you. Just listen. Do you remember that I talked about my plans regarding a further education ? I applied to University of St. Andrews and got in. I'll leave Dublin in three weeks"
"Congrats on that mate," Harry cuts him off, hugs him and gives him an approving pat on the back.

"One of the reasons I wished to be accepted is the senior lecturer in cognitive psychology. She is well known for her knowledge and experience in cognitive behaviour therapy... Sorry, Harry, I'm still so excited...I'm not sure, but as far as I know that therapy might also be used to treat people with PTSD ....I don't want to raise your hope. But I could find out how to get into a place for this special treatment programme earlier. Sometimes they search people to join a study. I can't promise anything. But I'll do my best," Liam flashes Harry an apologetic glance.

" I know, you will Liam. And I'm sure you won't disappoint me.

On my way to Dublin I realised that you already know literaly everything about me, my hidden secrets and feelings but I, I know basically nothing about you," Harry reasons and gives him a questioning look.
"It's okay Harry, ask what you want to know."

"Is there someone special in your life? Or is this question too straight forward?" Harry asks with insecurity lacing his deep voice.
"No, I haven't found the right one. I had no luck with the girls I went on a date."
"That's hard to believe Liam, you're kind, you're smart, you are handsome, you are fit. Girls should be drooling over you."

"Hahaha, they only liked my ....You.. oh, not what you think!" Liam quickly comments when he notices Harry's big grin .

Liam chuckles slightly while Harry is still smirking at him.

"My lovelife is not an interesting topic to speak about. More specific as boring as the girls told me I would be, " Liam admits." Can't explain it, things always went utterly wrong when I went out with the same girl for more than two weeks. It was frustrating and disappointing. I blamed myself for every break up. It dragged me down. I began to question my whole life. ...They subtly began to manipulate me. I.." Liams sighs taking another sip of his pint." I don't want to talk your ears off Harry", Liam remarks with a bitter facial expression.

Harry wonders what kind of painful or disappointing situations Liam has faced in the past. He feels truely sorry for the lad. "Hey, you needn't tell me when you don't feel like talking. But it might help though." Harry says trying not to push Liam. Anyway he'd like to give Liam something back for all he had done for him.

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