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Listen to the song above while reading

For your eyes only

I'll show you my heart

For when you're lonely

And forget who you are

I'm missing half oft me 

When we're apart

Now you know me

For your eyes only

Be quiet, I don't want Hazzy to wake up." Harry lies in his comfortable king- size bed cuddled between a bunch of cosy pillows. He can hear muffled voices from downstairs and the opening and closing of kitchen cabinets. There's a clanking and thumping audible and Harry wonders what the heck is going on in their kitchen in the crack of dawn. But he really couldn't get up the energy to leave his comfortable bed and find out. 

However Harry is still too tired from the party night at James' house. His parents went to visit family  members in Belfast and James had the place all to himself. Harry doesn't know where he got all the booze from considering James is only 15 years old too. But there was definitely more than enough for everyone.

So it's not surprising that Harry dozes off again not yet ready to face the new day and his killing headache .
Bang! Harry abruptly sits up, suddenly wide awake. No way that he will keep lying in bed this time. He carefully drags himself out of the bed trying to avoid any jerky movement that might increase the painful throbbing of his head. How come that he's such a mess this morning? Alltogether he had not more than 10 shots, a few pints - at least what he remembers. 

He slowly makes his way downstairs not able to avoid a groan every step he takes. What he really needs right now is any kind of painkiller and a cup of coffee. Muffled voices and giggles along with the noises of people rummaging through cupboards and stirring in pans can be heard from inside the kitchen.  Harry opens the door silently not wanting to startle whoever is busy in the kitchen. Harry remains stock-still in his spot just enjoying the view in front oft him . There are Gemma and her best friend Niall busy preparing breakfast. While Gemma is stirring in a pan with scrambled eggs Niall tries to flip little pancakes. Such a lovely view , Harry can't avert his gaze off of the cute blonde boy. His little tongue poking out, his cheeks all flushed showing  his concentration. When Gemma notices Harry she jumps towards him with a cheerful "Hazzy" scream. 

Her sudden movement catches him out of guard. He tumbles and crashes to the ground missing his normal body control. Blame it all on the alcohol !  There was no chance that he could have kept his balance. So Harry finds himself on the floor palming his hurting bum and groaning in pain.

" What are you doing there on the ground, Harry ? " Liam wants to know.
" Did you fall off the sofa?
Breakfast is almost ready by the way. Do you need a painkiller, water  and a shower first? "

"When did you become a mindreader too, my head is almost killing me." Harry is glad that he needn't explain how he's feeling.
"Hahaha, wasn't doing better when I woke up. I thought you must eat a proper breakfast before you'll go to the hospital later."

While Harry takes a short shower he remembers the dream he was having before Liam found him sitting on the floor. Strange that he has dreamed about that Sunday morning roughly six years ago. Both  Gemma and Niall were so adorable when they prepared breakfast for him and his parents. He still can remember their proud and happy faces when everyone loved their self made scrambled eggs, pancakes and French toasts. They were beaming and giddy with pleasure when he told them that it was the best breakfast he has had since ages.

Thanks to the painkillers Liam and Harry got quickly rid of the aftermath of their night out. A few cups of coffee and some sandwiches later they don't feel like crap any longer. Ready to face whatever is waiting for them . 

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