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"He did say what ?, " Niall bursts out with a high pitched voice, his cheeks coloured adorably in pink and demanding to hear it again.

" Something along these lines you looked as if I had invented unicorns and rainbows as you mentioned me...."

" How I'm supposed to look at someone who invents lyrical creatures...? Niall snorts mockingly.

" Like a love-struck idiot ...maybe.." Harry teases, pulls back as Niall brings jerkily his hand forward trying to tickle him, too bad that Niall loves to play dirty, knows them all the spots where he's ticklish the most.

"A love-struck idiot.....? "
"....My favourite... love-struck idiot...stop it...Niall ...not there ....I need to breathe....N.i.a.l.l....,"
Harry tries to get away, he squirms and wriggles, wants to escape these mercilessly tiggling fingers that seem to be everywhere.
Fingers that seem like tentacles of an octopus grasping his arms, clasping his calves, jerking away his protecting hands when eager fingertips that find their way under his shirt are roaming his upper body, tipping up and down his spine and don't stop when they reach his armpits, only to attack his sides shortly after.

Niall would never deny that he's enjoying what he's doing, in fact once in a while he loves to a true little leprechaun.

His ocean blue eyes are glimmering with a touch of mischief when he unanticipatedly brings his left arm between their chests only to catch one of Harry's nipples in a swift movement and pinches him while he keeps tickling his side with the other hand.

Harry squeals and snorts and laughs while words of protest are supposed to escape his mouth yet nothing but incoherently uttered words can be heard between his heavy breathing and the purposeless attempts to move away from the assaulting fingers of the smaller man.
He tries to curl up only to find out that he doesn't stand any chance and he wonders when his boyfriend became that strong.

"So what I am ?," Niall requires another answer smirking down at his boyfriend who tries to catch his breath, his chest heaving heavily while his eyes are squinted and his mouth is wide open.

If Niall had known before that a few minutes of tickling would work up Harry like this, he definitely would have tried it before.
He can't take his eyes off of the curly head man on the floor doubling over and laughing, still can't wrap his head around the fact that they are together now, that they are boyfriends and yes that they will come out to their parents in less than twenty-four hours.

Niall catches his defenceless boyfriend's hands and pins them down in a sudden ambush while he straddles him, he can't hide the mischievous smirk when he sees Harry's expectant facial expression.
He bends down ever so slowly, enjoys seeing all kind of emotions that flash across the face of his gorgeous boyfriend.

He notices the flicker of confusion, the anticipation and finally the fond before he closes the gap between them and his lips touch Harry's plump pink ones.
It's only a gently touching of lips, light as a feather, innocent and pure, a kiss expressing better than words could ever do as there ain't no words to describe what they have found.

They are more than friends, not yet lovers, they are like soulmates when they'd believe in a soulmate principle,
they are only strong together but they aren't dependant on each other, they are yin and yang, heaven and earth.

Harry is Niall's reason to believe in himself again and Niall is Harry's reason to trust in God's love after all.

Everything they never hoped to find they are discovering in each other.

The taller man smiles against Niall's soft lips that are now caressing his ones slowly and deliberately.
He opens his eyes and finds his boyfriend staring down at him, his wide open ocean- blue eyes a mirror of his soul, and if Harry didn't know the truth, if Niall didn't confess his feelings before he would now find the answer to all his questions as his genuine feelings are reflected in them, his unlimited love for the curly haired man high visible.

An overwhelming feeling of gratitude and love is filling his heart, is warming his chest and rushing through his veins.
Hundreds of little butterflies that were resting for a moment they are dancing excitedly in his stomach again.

He's afraid that he can't take in more feelings, more emotions and his heart might burst due to the sheer amount of them, his breaths hitches and he must remind him to breath in again.

The man who leans over him means so much, means everything to him, has become his world, his everything.

He has never been capable to imagine how it would be to fall so deep, so completely for another person but now that he knows it's almost to much to fathom.

Harry feels that familiar prick of tears behind his eyes, happy tears though as he's too overwhelmed by his own feelings.

And when a single tear leaves the corner of his eyes, it wets both their cheeks, he isn't ashamed, doesn't worry what Niall might think of him.

For Niall it's not just salty water, it's precious like gemstone and he collects it away ever so gently with his thumb before he licks it up.

" I know pet.. I know, it's overwhelming for me too."

He takes a deep breath, not quite knowing what else to say and rests his forehead against Harry's.

They don't move for minutes, stand so close that their breath mingles and just listen to the soothing rhythm of their heartbeat.

The silence between them feels comfortable, no more words are necessary to explain themselves.

While minutes ago the room was filled with giggles, laughter and an increasing sexual tension both men wouldn't deny the atmosphere has completely changed now and Niall doesn't complain, isn't even surprised how fast things can change between them.

Thinking about his boyfriend he can't even distinguish which side of Harry he loves the most, the carefree or the protective, the thoughtful or the cheeky, the teasing or the serious, the talkative or the silent, the cuddly or the man he wants to make love to.

No matter what side of Harry he gets to see he embraces them all, loves them to bits and sometimes when he's sleeplessly lying in his bed he muses whether one life-time is enough for getting to know the diversity of Harry's traits.
He simply doubts it.

Niall pull's back reluctantly after pecking his boyfriend's soft lips a last time.
"As much I'd love to do nothing else but kissing and cuddling and ...
We promised to make these mouth-watering double rich chocolate tarte for tomorrow's dinner, " he reminds him of their promise but Harry was obviously having different plans how to spend the remainder of the evening if his pouty face is anything to go by.

"Hey, stop your pouting, I make it up to you as soon as the cake is in the oven. "

Who is Harry to deny Niall anything when the blonde man blinks at him and flashes him his best promising smile.

Author's note

Sorry, this was only a short filler chapter.
I planned to post it before Christmas, but I couldn't find myself to get it ready and posted another chapter first.
Happy new year to all of you.
May 2019 be full of joy and happiness and bring you one step closer to the goals you want to achieve.

For those who don't know I started writing a new narry story called Mixed Double and I posted the prologue and chapter one a few days ago. It's a completely different concept, besides the pairing. It would be great if you checked it out.


Thoughts about Narry's relationship?

Did you make any New Year's resolutions?

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