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Harry, Niall you made it. Come in.
How was the drive from Mullingar ? " Liam wants to know after hugging both of his friends.

"Roads were slippery and many people were heading towards Dublin, nothing surprising. No better place to spend the last night of the year than around Temple Bar" Harry explains while he grabs Niall's hand and they both follow Liam in the hallway.

Harry didn't need to ask to know that their friends are already there.
Louis high pitched voice is clearly, audible and Niall is quite sure that he heard Zayn's soft voice among many other voices they both can't identify.

"Harry, Niall", Liam suddenly turns around and stops walking in the direction where they hear the babble of voices. His face is suddenly pale, a slight shade of green visible and his brown eyes are wide open and what they see in them is pure fear and horror.
" You okay, Liam " Harry asks him with genuine concern in his face while placing his right hand on his friend's broad shoulder.
" I ..I need to talk to you both about something" Liam is obviously having difficulties to bring out a complete sentence.

" Yer aren't seriously sick, don't ya ? Niall wants to know. Liam just nods, still not speaking.

" You aren't going to break up with Zayn? " Harry tries with another question but the terrified expression on Liam's face speaks words and they instantly know without any further confirmation that Harry's guess was also wrong.

Then after a brief moment Liam sighs and clears his throat before he starts speaking lowly "I need you to keep your lips sealed about this" he looks at is friends expectantly „ can you come outside with me, don't want anybody know about it"

" We are as silent as a grave, don't we pet? " Harry states looking at Liam curiously not quite sure what he is up to. His first thought was that Liam might propose to Zayn, but regarding that they aren't together for more than four months, it's unlikely.

Bloody unlikely.

" wannaproposetoZayn" he murmurs and looks down at his feet, in a unfamiliar shy manner.

" Slower, you need to speak slower. " Harry tells him seriously but his sparkling eyes tell that he's taking the piss out of his friend.

" I want.. to propose to Zayn " Liam repeats lowly considerably slower this time looking down on his fidgeting hands.
" He's going to leave for New York in two weeks to continue his studies there. It's for six months only but I want him to wear my ring when he's going abroad",
Liam almost whispers, his brown puppy eyes wide open begging for approval.

Harry lifts his arm and pats Liam's back assuringly. " He's a good man and he makes you happy. How could I not support you ?
I want to see you happy, Liam, it's all I want. So how can I help you ? "
Harry looks at the smaller man questiongly still not sure what he's supposed to do.

Liam shifts his weight from foot to foot as if he's pondering about his words.

" I have three bed sheets sewed together and I need you two to fasten it onto the gable of the barn before midnight. There are torches and lanterns to create little islands of light in the dark that you need to place between the house and the barn and ... not to forget the Swedish bonfire.

Next to the barn gate on the left you will find three bar tables. They should be set up in the middle of the lit area between house and barn...and .. "

Liam cuts himself off, suddenly having second thoughts about his plans, fearing he might have forgotten something of importance.

" Do you think he will like it, Zayn....I mean ? Liam looks at Niall, waiting for his opinion.

Niall's blinks against his tears when their eyes lock and he swallows hard to get rid off the lump in his throat.

" I'm sure Zayn loves all of this. The banner, the lights, the bonfire, the snow .... Harry and I sneak out to prepare everything. No worries. That will be a lot of fun, what cha think, darlin' ?"

Niall turns around and wraps his left arm around the small waist of his boyfriend pulls him into his side and squeezes the soft flesh above his hip before he goes on his tiptoes and places a soft sweet kiss on the pink lips of his slightly taller boyfriend.
" Let's help Liam make it unforgettable for them." He murmurs against Harry's lips. It's so cold outside that can see their warm breath mingle between their faces when he hesitantly pulls back.

Nobody needs to know that they missed most of Liam's proposal because they have been too occupied with themselves.

When they finally stumble out of the barn, after hastily buttoning up jeans and shirts and rather ineffective attempts to fix their hair they find Liam on one knee in front of Zayn, holding a small black box with a ring in his sweaty hand.
Louis cocks his head, raises one eyebrow questioningly and Harry instantly knows that he will never let him hear the end of it.

They completely missed Zayn's reaction when he noticed the huge banner with „Will you marry me, Zayn ?" , missed Liam's heartfelt speech and Harry feels the slightest bit of remorse but who is he to resist his boyfriend when he looks at him like that, his cerulean blue eyes wide open, looking like the epitome of innocence yet persuasive like an ancient nymph luring men to the bottom of a river.

Niall is his weakness and he knows it.
Nothing he can do about it.
Nothing he wants to anyway.

One day he will find himself on one knee asking Niall to be his husband, and he hopes to watch his face lighten up like Zayn's has done.

Niall's back is pressed against his front, his arms are wrapped around his waist and his chin rests on Niall's shoulder while they watch people congratulating the newly engaged couple.

Harry knows about the circumstances, knows that Zayn is about to leave the country to continue his studies abroad.
A long distance relationship isn't easy, he recalls the weeks they have been apart when Niall was still in Scotland and he in Cork and they didn't have a time shift complicating things even more.
But he has confidence in them that they will make it work.

From the corner of his eyes Harry notices Louis talking with a young woman, sees him laughing, the kind of laugh that reaches the eyes, he barely can remember him laughing.
It's been so long.

One day, Harry says to himself while pressing his face into Niall's blonde hair, letting himself  engulfed from his scent, the scent of vanilla and strawberries and summer .


I'm actually back with this story and willing to finish it.
After one year not posting anything I'm not sure whether anybody remembers the story let alone is interested in it. Hopefully there is one.

There will be only one more chapter and an epilogue.

Stay safe and healthy.
Lots of love ❤️

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