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Listen to the song above while reading

No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me.

Seems like you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me.

Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with,

Someone I'll always laugh with,
even at my worth, I'm best with you.

It has been two weeks now since Louis left their shared flat. Two weeks that Harry felt more miserable, abandoned, and more broken than before. Never has he been such a mess.

After Louis insulted his family, he revealed that he and Gemma had been seeing each other secretly. He also announced that Gemma was expecting his child. Harry didn't expect such an outcome. His sweet little sister...there is nothing to sugarcoat and nothing to be ashamed of.

However, without Tom and Adrian being there, he isn't sure what he would have done the second Louis left their flat.

He slipped down the wall and hid his face between his knees while hot tears dripped onto the floor. It took a few seconds and both of his friends sat down beside him on the floor in the hallway. They let him cry, scream, and sob still holding him tight... not letting him pull away.

They were the last ones to fight against the devouring darkness. His only guard to protect him from losing his mind. He who was at rock bottom again and willing to give in. They were his only shields .

Time was passing by and hours later they found themselves still sitting on the hard floor with their backs resting against the wall. It was a good thing that Harry could finally catch his breath again after he barely got enough oxygen in his lungs. The iron ring that constricted his rib cage slowly loosened it's tight grip .

That is when the words that his friends were repeating over and over again in order to calm him down reached his mind. It is when he was finally capable of understanding whole sentences. It was also when he succeeded in saying the first appropriate words in order to get rid of the burning acid swirling around in his thoughts.

He felt so betrayed. Why didn't she trust him with her secret? Was it because she had been seeing his best friend? Was she afraid that he wouldn't approve because Louis was 4 years her senior? Did they have a serious relationship or was she just a fling and then Louis got her pregnant ? Was it Louis she had been writing to when he caught her messsaging and softly smiling?

Harry felt better after asking all of the questions that were running wild in his head that made him light-headed. It almost killed him not to know for certain what actually happened.

Both of his friends tried to find the answers along with him. They discussed all aspects , explanations, and possible views. Once the discussions were over, Harry felt a little less bitter after a while.

"You guys were so close Harry. I'm sure Gemma planned on telling you. She did have a reason for keeping everything a secret. It's something we have yet to find out" Adrian reasoned. " Harry, I know who could most likely answer most of your questions" realized Tom. "But you'll have to wait until he's doing better." " How could I forget? Silly me !" He will definitely know something " Harry quickly agreed.

The next day they tried to call Louis but a monotonous computer voice said: "The number that you have called is no longer in service."

They gave Louis's mum a ring two days after he left. She didn't know about his whereabouts and was utterly worried. It was like Louis was swallowed up by the earth.

It's been fourteen days and they still haven't heard anything from or about him.

The day finally came that Harry had to introduce his song or the parts that were finished to his fellow students during the group meeting. He hoped that they would like the lyrics and the tune. The song was so special to him that he almost had to rethink about whether or not to sing it in public. "And ohhh, we started two hearts...." Harry sang the first line of the refrain when his phone rang. He knew instantly it was Maura due to the special ring tone."Sorry guys, I need to take that call" Harry apologized.

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