Chapter 1

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                    Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling


Chapter 1

"James, grab the hair brush," Ardelle grumbled as her brother rolled off his bed and landed with a 'thump' on the bedroom floor.

"Get it yourself, Ar," James groaned, "What time is it?"

"We woke up late, alright?" Ardelle sighed, "It's half-past ten."

James frowned, "It's September first, right?"

Ardelle gave him a look. "Do you think?"

After a moment, James shot to his feet and darted out of the room.
"Oi, James! Get me the hairbrush! You coward!"

King's Cross Station was crowded, like always.

It was Ardelle's 7th year here already, but she was still amazed by the magical platform—literally.

The scarlet engine was beautiful—and Ardelle shoved through the crowd, trying to find her best friend—

"Hey, Ar."

Ardelle whipped around, and pulled Remus Lupin into a hug.

Sirius Black was James' best friend.

And Remus Lupin was Ardelle's best friend.

They were all friends—known as the Marauders—but generally Ardelle shared the most interests with Remus.

Well, Ardelle sort of only became an honorary Marauder in Second Year for a prank—and then she sort of just stuck with the boys."Remus," Ardelle laughed, "How was your summer?"

Remus shrugged, giving her a small smile, "It was the usual. You know..."

She gave her a knowing look, "Were you okay?"

He nodded, "It was lonely without you and Padfoot and Prongs and Wormtail though."

Ardelle smiled, "I'm glad you did okay."


"Hey, Lily," Ardelle said as she entered the dorm room.

The red-headed girl turned around and smiled, "Hello, Ar. How was your summer?"

"Well, it was as good as it possibly could be, with James around and all," Ardelle replied with a good-natured laugh.

Lily grinned, "Oh, I don't know how in the world you survive living with Potter."

"Possibly because I am a Potter, Lils," Ardelle pointed out. "Anyways, where're all the other girls?"

"Marls is hanging out with Black, Dor and Alice are studying at the library, and Mary is somewhere. I haven't seen her yet." Lily rolled her eyes, "I don't know how Marls stands Black."

"Sometimes I swear she likes Sirius better than us," Ardelle said jokingly, before pulling off her robes and slipping out of her Gryffindor tie, "Are you head girl this year?"

Lily grinned and showed Ardelle her glimmering 'Head Girl' badge, "Yes, I am!"

"Can you guess who's head boy, Lily?" Ardelle grinned teasingly.

"Perhaps Remus? He's always been a good student. And I suppose—,"

"No, Lily, guess again."

"Erm, Diggory?"

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