Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 18

Ardelle sighed in satisfaction as she leaned into Remus, the gentle wind ruffling her hair.

The Black Lake was beautiful—even though it was quite hot at the moment.

However, Ardelle had always quite liked the Summer months, so she didn't really mind.

"Can you believe we're graduating next week?" Remus said softly, kissing her forehead, "What do you want to do after?"

"Well, you know...we're all a part of know," Ardelle gave him a meaningful look, "So I think we'll be busy enough. But...I'd like to become a Healer, or an Auror—depending on which one I feel more like doing after I graduate—though I think we'll probably be Aurors, more likely. You?"

"It's hard for my kind to get jobs. You know that, Ardie." Remus said sadly, "But Dumbledore has offered us positions, and that's what I'll be focusing on, probably."

Ardelle didn't try to contradict what Remus had said—because it was true.

Even though it wasn't Remus' fault at all that he was what he was, witches and wizards despised werewolves and disrespected them.

As much as it angered Ardelle, it was the truth.

"I suppose we'll both be busy, what with the War and all." Ardelle whispered, her voice so quiet that she almost thought Remus didn't hear her over the rustling of the wind.

But he did.

"Yeah," Remus said, exhaling deeply. "Are you scared?"

Ardelle didn't answer for a long moment, before she finally loosed a breath and breathed, "Yes. Yes, Rem, I'm scared. But...we all are, aren't we?"

Remus squeezed her hand, "Yeah. We're all scared. But we'll have each other. You'll have me, and Sirius, and James, and Lily, and Marlene, and even Peter—he may be...erm..."

"Not very brave," Ardelle suggested.

"Yeah," Remus said after a moment, "But even though he isn't the bravest of wizards, he'll still stand by us. After all, he's our friend—he's been our friend for seven years now."

Ardelle sighed, "Yeah."

She smiled as she twisted around to press a kiss on Remus' lips.

Then, she got to her feet and said, "I'm going to find James and the others. Do you know where they are?"

"Um, yeah," Remus said, getting to his feet also, "I think Peter said something about dragging them to the Kitchens for afternoon tea."

"Right, right, of course," Ardelle said dryly, though she was smiling, "Of course Peter would want to go to the Kitchens."

"Yeah," Remus said lightly, "Want to join them?"

Ardelle tugged on his sleeve and said, "Come on, Remus."


When the two of them entered the Kitchens, they were greeted by the laughter of their friends.

"Oi, Sirius," James' voice said enthusiastically, "Have another one!"

When Ardelle and Remus approached them, Ardelle realised that James, Sirius and Peter were crowded around a small table, eating a plate of creampuffs and a bowl of ice cream each.

"Oi, mate," Remus said, frowning, "What are you doing?"

Sirius was choking on laughter as he replied, "Yeah, I'm going to be sensible for once and not eat another one of those creampuffs. They're good and all, but like, yeah."

"He ate one too many," Peter explained to Remus as two house elves grabbed two chairs for Remus and Ardelle.

"Thanks," Ardelle told the little house elf. Then, she turned to her friends and said, "Sirius, you're disgusting."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "You didn't know that?"

"How does Marlene stand you?" Remus asked with a dry smile.

Sirius suddenly turned serious as he said, "By the way, Remus, I told Marls about your furry little problem."

Remus tensed. "W-what did she say?"

"She sort of was shocked—she was a little less calm than Lily, but she understands that it isn't your fault and she told me that she'll be willing to accept it." Sirius said, "Lily is with her right now, I don't know what they're doing, but they're probably having a conversation about it."

Remus sighed, "Will she tell everybody?"

"No. She promised not to tell anybody about it—and I trust her," Sirius said quietly, "She'll keep to her word."

"Good. Tell her...thanks." Remus said, exhaling, "I don't know if I should be afraid or glad."

"Don't be afraid," Ardelle said, squeezing his hand, "be glad."

"Yeah," Peter said quietly, "Be glad that Marlene accepts you. Be happy that we'll all...we'll all—," Ardelle swore she saw Peter avert his eyes as his voice faltered, "—we'll stand by your side for...for as long as...we can."

Peter offered Remus a small smile, and Remus returned it gratefully.

"Come on, let's not be depressed!" Sirius said enthusiastically, "Who's up for some more ice cream?"

"I thought you were already full," James asked, raising an eyebrow at his best friend.

"Please," Sirius scoffed, "I'll never be too full for ice cream."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this chapter (And for checking out my story)! If you liked it, leave a comment or vote to let me know ;)

Okay, some questions for you guys to answer if you have a spare moment (Or just feel like it):

1. Has your favourite character changed throughout the course of the story?

2. Which character/s would you like to see more in future chapters?

3. Any other thoughts/comments?

As always, leave your answers in the comments!

Thanks for reading, and feel free to check out my other works, which you can find on my profile!

Thanks <3

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