Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 2

"Come on, it wasn't Flitwick's fault that you two decided to prank him," Remus scolded, though he was grinning.

Ardelle added, "Yeah, and now he's stuck with pink hair for the rest of the week!"

The four of them burst into sniggers.

Peter had run off somewhere—Ardelle thought that maybe he'd gone to the Kitchens or something.

The Kitchen was probably Peter's second home.

"Mr Potter. Miss Potter. Mr Lupin. Mr Black."

The four of them turned, and found Professor McGonagall, her lips pursed as she gazed at them over her glasses.

"Yes, Professor?" Ardelle said, when none of the boys said a word, sending the boys a discreet glare.

"What are you doing here?" Professor McGonagall asked with a suspicious glance over all of them.

"Nothing suspicious, Minnie," Sirius said with a grin.

"Yeah, nothing you need to worry about," James added with a smirk.

Professor McGonagall sighed, "I hope not."

"Nope," James and Sirius both said at the same time, and Ardelle let out a quiet laugh, which she quickly covered with a forced cough.

Remus smiled at her and gently patted her back until her laugh/cough subsided.

Ardelle gave Remus an amused glance, and Remus returned it.

"Alright, well, move along," Professor McGonagall said with another exasperated sigh, "Your next class should start soon."

"Oh, no, Professor," Remus said politely, "We have a free period now."

"Oh, yes, yes, of course," Professor McGonagall said, before giving them a dismissive wave and striding down the corridor, the sound of her footsteps fading into the distance.

The four of them continued on their way down the corridor, grinning at each other.

To anybody else, they would've looked extremely suspicious.

But they didn't feel suspicious.

Because they knew they were guilty.

After all, they had just turned Professor Flitwick's hair pink.

For a whole week.


Ardelle groaned as she sat down beside Remus in the Gryffindor Common Room, in front of the warm, crackling fire place.

She dropped her bag down beside her and sank down into the couch, laying her head over Remus' lap.

"So...tired," She grumbled, "And I still have a Potions Essay to do."

"I just finished that," Remus replied quietly as he slipped his parchment into his bag, "How much have you gotten done?"

"Like, just over half of it," Ardelle answered with a yawn.

"We don't have Potions tomorrow anyway," Remus told her, "You could just wake up early tomorrow and do it then."

Ardelle let out a little laugh, "Remus, you know that I'm not a morning person. You know better than anyone."

Remus rolled his eyes, "Yes, I do. I remember the time I tried to wake you up because James needed to borrow your toothpaste because he misplaced his toothpaste...I don't even know how he could do that but that's not the point. Anyway, you punched me in the face and drenched me with the aguamenti spell. And it was like six o'clock in the morning and freezing."

"Aww, poor Remmy."

Remus sighed exasperatedly, "Sometimes you're more mature, sometimes you're so much like James."

"Yeah, well, can't help it," Ardelle shut her eyes and rolled over to nestle into the couch, "I'm her twin sister, after all."

Remus smiled as he watched Ardelle fall asleep on his lap.


Ardelle woke up in her dorm, to the sound of Lily pulling open the curtains and letting the bright morning sunlight stream into the room.

She groaned, rolling onto her side and pulling her blanket over her head.

"Ar, wake up," Lily said as she ripped the blankets (Very violently, might Ardelle add) off of Ardelle's head.

Ardelle grumbled, "Lily, stop it. It's only morning!"

"Ardie, you should really get up," Marlene said from her bunk as she climbed down the ladder, "It's literally quarter past seven already."

Mary added, "Yeah, and we all know that you take ages to eat breakfast."

"Ugh, whatever," Ardelle groaned as she tried to block the sunlight from blinding her by rolling to face the wall.

"Okay, well, Ardelle, you leave us no choice..." Alice said warningly.


Suddenly, Ardelle was drenched with water, and she leapt out of the bed, water dripping from her clothes and her hair.

"I forgot you could do non-verbal spells, Alice," Ardelle groaned as she rushed into the bathroom, wringing her black hair dry with her hands, "And I hate you all."

"We hate you too, Ardie," All of them chorused, grinning at her, and Ardelle gave them a glare before she shut the bathroom door.

She stared at herself in the mirror.

While her twin brother resembled their father, with his hazel eyes and messy jet black hair, Ardelle, more than anything, resembled her mother.

She possessed the features of the Black Family, with her dark hair, and facial features. The only thing she shared with her brother was her eyes—the hazel eyes that were the only physical trait that was proof the two of them were related at all.

In fact, Ardelle almost looked more related to Sirius Black than to her own twin brother.

With a shake of her head, Ardelle turned away from the mirror, dried off her clothes with a quick muttered charm and a flick of her wand, before she strode out of the bathroom and took her uniform from her closet.

"How did I end up back here anyway?" She asked Lily.

Lily turned from where she was sorting out her bag and smirked, "A certain Remus Lupin carried you all the way up here and told us that you'd fallen asleep in the Common Room."

"Oh." Oh.

"Yeah, oh." Marlene rolled her eyes, before saying excitedly, "Do you fancy him? He was so sweet and everything, and he so obviously likes you—,"

Mary giggled, "Marlene, calm down. They're just best friends."

"Yeah," Ardelle agreed, before slinging an arm over Mary's shoulders, "Mary is my favourite girl now."

Mary blushed a little, and the other girls just rolled their eyes.

Alice gave a little laugh, and Ardelle whipped around.

"Miss Fortescue! Have you got something to say?" Ardelle said in a perfect imitation of Professor McGonagall's voice.

The girls burst into laughter, and Ardelle put on her Gryffindor robes before shouldering her bag.

"Come on, girls," Ardelle put an arm over Lily and the other over Mary, before the five of them, laughing, went out of the dormitory and headed towards the Great Hall.

Author's Note:

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, be sure to vote and comment to let me know!

Thanks for reading!

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