Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 3

The Full Moon had tired Remus out—just like it always did.

Remus groaned as he dragged his feet to the Gryffindor Table.

He knew he probably looked a mess. But he didn't care.

Madam Pomfrey had healed every serious wound that he had, and his other injuries and cuts and scratches had been bandaged and covered.

He was starving; he was tired.

He honestly didn't care who saw him at the moment.

There was almost nobody in the Great Hall yet anyway; it was so early.

He sat down at the Gryffindor table and felt himself falling asleep...

He managed to get a few pancakes and put them onto his plate...



It was Ardelle.

Remus whipped around and found the familiar dark-haired girl standing there, her face bearing a scratch down her temple from the Full Moon—and he immediately felt the guilt rising—

"Stop it," Ardelle snapped, sitting down beside him and putting a hand on his arm, "It's not your fault."

"I just..." Remus shook his head, "I..."

"Forget it, it's not your fault," Ardelle repeated impatiently.


"Stop, Remus."

Remus finally looked at her—really looked.

And despite her annoyed expression, he saw her sincerity and concern, and he smiled at her.

She seemed to sag in relief, "You're okay?"

"Yeah," Remus said softly, "Yeah. I'm okay."

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment.

Finally, Ardelle said with a taunting grin, "Don't I get a thanks for saving you from face-planting in your pancakes?"

"Er, thanks."

Ardelle gave him an amused smile, "You're too cute, Remmy."

Remus rolled his eyes, "Um, thank you so much, Ar."

Remus watched as Ardelle fetched herself some pancakes from the pile that was on the Gryffindor table, and she picked up the maple syrup and drizzled it all over her pancakes.

"Syrup?" Ardelle offered, and Remus nodded.

She drizzled some of the syrup over his pancakes and smiled at him, before asking, "Aren't you going to eat them?"

"Erm, right." He picked up his fork and hesitantly stabbed at his pancakes.

"Oh, come on, Remus, you have to know how to eat pancakes," Ardelle rolled her eyes, and Remus glanced at her in amusement.

"Perhaps I just like eating them this way."

"Well, in that case, you are one strange human. Or should I say, one strange animal..." She wiggled her eyebrows at him tauntingly, and he rolled his eyes at her.

"Right. Whatever. You're so much like James sometimes," Remus said with a sigh, before he took a bite of his pancake.

Ardelle put an arm around his shoulders and said, "Hmm, well, Remus, it's okay. It might even be early enough for us to go to the library and study for a while."

Remus smiled and nodded at her, and for a moment Remus glanced up at the Staff Table, with Professor Dumbledore sitting calmly in his seat.

And Remus swore he saw the Headmaster give him a knowing smile and a wink when Ardelle wasn't watching.

Author's Note:

Hi! If you liked this chapter, be sure to vote and comment to let me know ;)

Thanks for reading!

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