Chapter 35

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 35

"Aww, isn't it little Harry Potter!" Ardelle said, grinning as she approached Lily, who was lying in her bed, cuddling Harry in her arms.

"It is," Lily said, brushing her red hair out of her, "And he says hello, even though he's technically asleep right now."

"He looks so much like James," Ardelle said with an affectionate smile as she took in the little boy's black hair and his facial features, "Too much like James to be good like you, Lily. I think he'll be a troublesome boy, him."

"I think so too," Lily said with a giggle, "James agrees with me. And he'll be able to go to school with Astra and it'll be perfect..."

"At least if we don't get through the war, they'll have each other," Ardelle said, and even though her words were very serious and not very optimistic, she and Lily both knew that that was the best assurance that they could ever get in times like these.

"There was another Death Eater attack, you know," Lily said softly as she stroked Harry's hair.

"Yeah, I know," Ardelle said with a sigh, "Rem came home limping yesterday after fighting in that mission."

"Is he okay?" Lily asked, sounding genuinely concerned, "I mean, James told me Remus took a spell for him..."

"He'll be fine," Ardelle answered, "Don't you worry. We'll all be okay."

And somehow, both of them knew that Ardelle wasn't just talking about the mission, or just the Death Eater attack.


"Jamesie!" Ardelle complained, "Your little Quidditch star is yanking on my hair!"

James strode into the room, and grinned when he saw Harry clinging to Ardelle's back and unintentionally pulling on his Aunt's dark hair.

"Ah, Harry, good on you," James said with a laugh, and Harry grinned at his father before he yelled something that nobody understood and yanked down on Ardelle's hair so hard that the young woman went tumbling backwards.

"OWWWW! Harry!"

Harry landed on all fours, and he only froze on the spot for a minute before seemingly shaking himself out of a daze and crawling over to his father, who was kneeling down on the floor, beckoning for him to go over to him.

"Come on, Harry," James said brightly as he patted his lap and the little boy curiously crawled over to him, "Come on, just a little further."

Harry climbed onto his father's lap, and Ardelle crawled over to the two of them.

"You two look like you could be twins," Ardelle said with a chuckle, even though she was still rubbing at her scalp, "By the way, Harry, please refrain from ripping my hair out next time—that's Astra's job. She'll get upset at you, little stag."

"I thought it was little Quidditch Star?" James asked, frowning, "I liked that nickname much better."

Ardelle just laughed, "They're both cute."

Author's Note: 

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment if you liked it <3

Also, comment and let me know if you like 'Little Quidditch Star' or 'little stag' better!

Cya guys ;)

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