Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K.  Rowling.


Chapter 11

Barely two hours later, when the Marauders (and Lily, of course. She was one of the Marauder's best friends now) were sitting and eating their dinner with all the other students, that Ardelle heard the piercing sound of a scream echo around the Great Hall.

All chatter fell silent, and the silence was so tense—so frighteningly quiet—that Ardelle felt a shiver go down her spine.

Remus, who sat to her right, froze and squeezed her hand—which she was grateful for—and James, who sat on her other side, whipped around to try to find who had screamed.

Sirius carefully edged his way towards Marlene, who was sitting beside him and had frozen with her goblet of pumpkin juice halfway to her lips.

Then, the silence was cracked.

Something shattered down at the Slytherin table, and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet swiftly.

"What is the matter?" He asked, his voice deadly soft and calm.

A small Slytherin sixth year boy—a boy that Ardelle hardly recognised but still knew of—was pale as a sheet.

"M-my brother. Elson Arly! H-he's dead! The Dark Lord killed him! The Dark Lord killed him! He's dead!"

Ardelle felt her heart stop at the words.

The Dark Lord?

Even Remus' hand fell loose around her fingers for a short moment—but then he squeezed her hand again.

Lily let out a soft cry of horror, and Marlene's eyes widened.

Ardelle watched the boy carefully—so many of his Slytherin peers were averting their eyes; perhaps their own parents had been responsible in the murder of Elson Arly.

Ardelle felt her blood boil at that thought. could somebody do that?

The boy collapsed into tears, the small piece of parchment—which Ardelle assumed was a letter from his parents which he had not gotten time to read in the morning—crumpled in his hand as he shoved it into his pockets and sobbed.

A girl who sat beside him—a taller, dark-haired seventh year girl—Victoria Greengrass, whose brother had graduated a year earlier—pulled the crying boy—one of the Arly brothers, Ardelle supposed—and pressed a gentle kiss to the boy's forehead in an act of almost sisterly love—something which was so rarely seen among the seemingly cold-hearted Slytherins.

And with a surge of compassion and courage, Ardelle felt herself get to her feet and she strode over confidently to the Slytherin table, sat down beside the small, crying boy and pulled him into a comforting embrace.

Victoria Greengrass cast her a surprised, yet thankful look.

And then a Ravenclaw boy came over—and then a Hufflepuff—and all of them pulled the Slytherin boy into a warm, comforting hug.

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