Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 28

"Guys!" Ardelle announced, "We're going to the gardens now."

James raised an eyebrow, "Erm, we are?"

"Well," Remus said, coming down the stairs from behind Ardelle, "We are now."

"What were you doing, anyway?" Lily asked, "Remus?"

"I was brewing a potion," Remus answered, and he didn't elaborate, and nobody pressed him to say anything else, "Well? Anybody want to come with us?"

"I will," Sirius said with a grin, "And obviously, since I'm going, Marls will be going, too."

"I will?" Marlene said with a smirk, "One of these days, Sirius, I might just leave you behind."

Sirius gave her a pout, "Aww, you wouldn't."

"Come on, guys, anybody else?" Ardelle said with a groan, "It's gonna be fun! We'll play games and do cool stuff and everything!"

"I guess I'll go too," Lily shrugged, before turning to James, "What about you?"

"Well, I'm going if you're going," James said without hesitation, grinning at Lily.

"Awesome!" Ardelle said, hopping down the final few steps and going over to the back door, "Let's go!"


They were playing a good old came of Catch, with a blue ball that James had found in an old cupboard.

But they weren't playing it well—in fact, they weren't really playing 'Catch'. They were playing a game which resembled, 'Throw the ball as hard as you can so that nobody can catch it' more.

James tossed the ball to Ardelle and she caught it just before it would fly over her head.

"That's not how you play," Lily groaned, "There are rules, and the game is called 'Catch', for Merlin's sake! Nobody can catch those throws that you're all doing."

"We don't play by the rules, Lils," Sirius gave Lily a wink, and Ardelle grinned from her spot beside him, "And we're wizards and witches. We have to make things more interesting."

"The game on its own is interesting enough, if you play it properly," Lily rolled her eyes, "But whatever."

The group were standing in a circle in the gardens of Potter Manor, the circle wide and spread out on the grass.

Ardelle tossed the ball to Marlene, who immediately caught it and tossed it to Sirius—a little too roughly.

Sirius yelped as he saw the ball flying towards his face and in a desperate attempt to catch the ball, he shifted into his animagus form and leapt into the air, catching the ball between his teeth.

The others stared at him as he gave Marlene an 'irritated' look, and Ardelle got the feeling that if he had been in his human form, he might've barked out a couple of curse words.

Quickly, Sirius switched back to his human form and tossed the ball to James with a single movement, and James caught it.


He tossed the ball to his twin sister, and she yelled, "Seriously James!" before she leapt into the air—but she couldn't catch it—

So she quickly switched into her animagus form and let out an irritated growl. She didn't even bother to turn back into her human form before she tossed the ball form between her teeth to Lily, who reluctantly caught it and quickly pulled out her wand to 'scourgify' the ball.

Ardelle shifted back into her human form. She pulled her hair out of its ponytail, as it had gotten quite ruffled, before she redid it into a quick bun.

"There wasn't drool on it, was there?" Ardelle asked as she adjusted her hair.

"Erm, maybe a little bit of drool," Lily said with a glance down at the ball in her hands, "I mean, the main reason I cleaned it was because it smelt seriously like...animal. And...erm..."

"Yeah, enough said," Marlene said with a laugh.

She and Lily still looked a little surprised at Ardelle and Sirius' animagus forms, because she'd never seen their animal forms before.

However, they'd both known about them, so they got over the shock quickly before Lily gave Ardelle a smile and tossed the ball right over to the other side of the circle, to Remus.

The Full Moon would be arriving soon, so Remus was already beginning to feel unwell, though there were still a couple of days to go, so it wasn't that bad yet.

Lily didn't realise that she'd thrown the ball a bit too hard, and it slammed into Remus' face.

Remus groaned and fell over, knocked off balance.

"Oh, Merlin, I'm sorry, Remus!" Lily said, panicking as she rushed over to Remus and helped him get up from the ground.

Remus grumbled, "What's this game called again?"

"Catch," Lily answered with an apologetic smile.

"I was thinking more like 'Toss the ball as hard as you can so that nobody can catch it'," Ardelle suggested with a mischievous smile.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this chapter, and be sure to leave a vote or comment if you liked it! Check out my other works, too, if you have a spare moment; you can find them on my profile!

As always, some questions for you guys to answer/think about:

1. What are your initial thoughts, after reading this chapter?

2. What colours would you use to describe this story?

3. Who is your favourite character, and why?

4. Any other thoughts/comments?

Leave your answers in the comments to let me know what you thought!

Thanks, and cya <3

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