Chapter 31

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 31

Ardelle laughed as she danced and ducked Remus' spells—they were training for an upcoming mission, and at the moment Ardelle was winning the duel.

"Don't get too arrogant," Remus said playfully as he deflected a curse that came flying his way, "Because you—," he cast a non-verbal stunning spell at Ardelle, "—never know."

Ardelle blocked the spell, before shooting back a jinx, which grazed the top of Remus' head as he ducked under it.

But before Ardelle could register anything, a spell hit her square in the chest, and she collapsed backwards, coughing and spluttering. She landed on her right arm, and her wand went flying as Remus disarmed her.

She wasn't sure what hurt more: her bruised shoulder, or her bruised pride.

She decided that it was the latter.

When Remus went over and quickly healed her shoulder with a quick muttered 'Episkey'.

"Now you have to 'episkey' my bruised pride," Ardelle grumbled as she got to her feet and snatched her wand from Remus' hand.

Remus gave her an amused grin, "Hey, not my fault that you weren't concentrating."

"I was," Ardelle shot back.

Remus shrugged, still looking amused as he said, "Do you want to duel again?"

"No," Ardelle retorted, "I'm going to go and duel Lily. At least she'll be able to heal my pride."

"By all means," Remus said with another shrug, laughing slightly at the glare that Ardelle shot him, "Go ahead. I'm probably going to go and find James, then."


Lily glanced at Ardelle from where she was knelt on the ground, carefully relacing up her loose boots.

"Lils, train with me?" Ardelle asked with a pleasant smile.

The redheaded girl gave her a concerned look as she replied with another question, "Are you okay, Ardelle? Why aren't you with Remus?"

"Doesn't matter," Ardelle shook off the question, "Are you partnered with anyone already?"

"Actually, I wanted to go in and grab some water," Lily said, getting up from the ground, her boots successfully relaced, "You want to come with me?"

"Sure," Ardelle agreed, "I mean, at least it'll give my pride some time to heal."

Lily smiled knowingly, "Remus won the duel, right?"

"He didn't beat me," Ardelle insisted unconvincingly.

Lily gave her a pointed look, "You just said that you needed time for your pride to heal, Ardie."

Ardelle sighed, "Ugh, fine. Maybe he did win. But that's just one duel. I'll win next time."

Lily gave her friend a hug and said, "Ah, whatever. It doesn't matter—you're right, it's just one duel. Let's go, shall we?"

Ardelle glanced around the backyard—where the other Order members were still duelling each other and training.

"Are we even allowed to leave?" Ardelle asked, frowning.

Lily shrugged, "I don't know. But Marlene didn't even come. If she can get away with not even coming, we can get away with leaving for a second. Let's go."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading; do leave a vote or comment if you enjoyed this chapter~

Check out my other works, too--which you can find on my profile ;)

Thanks again, cya <3

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