Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 8

When Ardelle entered her dormitory, it was empty save for Dorcas Meadows and Marlene McKinnon.

"Dor? Marls?" Ardelle said quietly.

She took a cautious step towards them.

The two of them were huddled together—and Marlene was crying.

"Marls!" Ardelle said, "What's the matter?"

Dorcas handed Marlene another tissue before turning to Ardelle and answering for Marlene, "Sirius Black promised to meet her at the Portrait Hole, but he disappeared somewhere. And then she went into the Common Room and found Sirius sitting there with his buddies. He just forgot about her, Ar. Completely forgot."

Ardelle sighed, "Marls, it's okay. Don't get too hurt by this—Sirius is just dumb like that."

Marlene sniffled, "I-I'm not one to cry."

"I know that," Ardelle said gently, "You—,"

"I'm just being dramatic," Marlene said, wiping her tears away and meeting Ardelle's eyes with her bright brown ones, "Don't worry about me. I'll deal with Sirius later."

Ardelle hi-fived her and gave her a grin, which Marlene returned.

"I'll come with," Ardelle said, and Marlene smiled and nodded.

"I'll tag along, too," Dorcas suggested, "You may need an extra pair of fists."

"We may indeed," Ardelle said jokingly, and so the tears were forgotten, and the three girls shared a laugh.

Now, to scold Sirius...


"Sirius Orion Black!"

Sirius groaned and got up from his bunk, "What?"

"You forgot about Marlene! How dare you?" Ardelle snapped, "How are you so oblivious? She cared so much, and you just forgot!"

Sirius sighed, "Yeah, I tried to tell her sorry, but..."

"Yeah, well, you better hope that you don't wake up someday and find that you're missing something," Ardelle said threateningly, "Or perhaps a body part—or a missing hand. Or perhaps your foot. Or even better, your—,"

"Alright, alright," Sirius cut her off, "No need to go on. I'll keep an eye on my body parts while I sleep. I've got the message. I didn't just purposely forget about her, you know. I'm not mean—I may be dumb and stupid, but I'm not mean."

"Says the boy who bullies Severus Snape," Ardelle retorted.

Sirius and James gave her fierce glares.

James said sharply, "He deserves it. After he called Lily the 'M' word."

"I know," Ardelle said, "But you two humiliated and hexed and bullied him for years."

"We don't care about him anymore," Sirius said, "He doesn't deserve our precious attention."

"Of course," Ardelle said, rolling her eyes, "Everything must be about you."

Remus groaned from where he lay on his bunk, "Of course everything must be about us, Ardie."

Ardelle felt heat rising to her cheeks, but she smothered it with a scoff, "Shut up, Remus."

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