Chapter 37

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 37

Ardelle didn't want to believe it.

She didn't want to believe it.

But it was true.




Her strong, brave, twin brother lay motionless on the floor. His gaze was blank, his glasses smashed as they lay on the floor beside him.

She collapsed to the ground.

The house wasn't comforting anymore—it wasn't warm, or cosy.

It had become cold, and unwelcoming.

Ardelle didn't try to fight back the tears—she let them stain her cheeks—she'd wanted to come here to see Harry again—but she'd found this—Lily and James were gone...

Her brother...

Her best friends...

She was prepared to sit there, sobbing into her hands forever. But then she heard the cry from down the hall.

Harry. Harry Potter was still alive.

So for her nephew's sake, she forced herself onto her hands and knees and crawled—to find Harry James Potter.

Sobbing, tears streaming down her face, she scooped Harry up from where he was wailing in his crib and pulled him close, hugging the little boy to her chest as she cried.

Harry's face was already tear-stained, and he kept on yelling for Lily—for his mommy—and for his dad—

But Lily was lying motionless. Right beside Ardelle's feet.

"Oh, Lils...Lily...Lils..." She sobbed, "I'm so sorry...James...Prongs..."

Harry suddenly stopped crying, and he met Ardelle's eyes and said, "Aunty Ardie."

His voice was so...soft and sad.

It was the first time that Harry had ever spoken her name.

"Harry, my little stag," Ardelle said, sniffling, "We'll be okay. We'll be okay."

She'd never hear her brother's laugh again.

She'd never hear Lily scold him for his pranking—







"He's so adorable, isn't he?"

"We'll have each other."

"We won't leave you, Harry."

"If we don't survive, Ardie—take care of Harry for us, would you?"

The memories flashed by, filling Ardelle with pain and regret as she heaved another sob, but this time, when the tears started falling Harry used his little fist to wipe them away.

"Gry-fi-do," Harry said, meeting Ardelle's eyes—those were Lily's eyes—Lily—

"Strong," Harry continued, smiling toothily, "Auntie Ardie. We be okay."

Ardelle cried, "Yes, Harry, my little Quidditch Star. We'll be okay. We'll be okay."

Then Hagrid appeared at the doorframe.

"Miss Potter," He said, sniffling as he wiped his own tears away, "Dumbledore 'as requested me to take 'arry to 'im."

Ardelle instinctively crawled away from Hagrid and held Harry tighter to her chest, suddenly feeling very protective over her nephew, "Why? What's Dumbledore going to do to him?"

"I don't know," Hagrid said tearfully, "Please?"

After a long moment, Ardelle finally sighed and gently gave Harry to Hagrid, getting up to her feet, but not before she kissed Harry's forehead and murmured, "Be good, okay, my little stag?"

Harry nodded, as though he could actually understand what she'd said.

Her eyes lingered on the lightning bolt-shaped scar on the boy's forehead and was suddenly filled with guilt and regret.

Hagrid must've spotted the emotions on her face, because he said, "It's not yer fault, Miss Potter."

Ardelle didn't even want to correct him and tell him that it was Mrs. Potter-Lupin now—she just let her tears consume her as Hagrid gently took Harry in his arms, wrapped him in a few blankets from his crib, before he gave Ardelle one last glance and a nod, and turned and disappeared out of the house.

And so Ardelle was alone again.

And she cried.

She cried for her friends. She cried for all she had lost.

But most of all, she cried for Harry James Potter—who would grow up never knowing his kind mother, or his brave father.

Lily was gone.

The truth hit her and made her feel dizzy as she curled up on the ground and cried.

Her twin brother was gone forever.

Author's Note:

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