Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling


Chapter 4

"James, come on," Ardelle grumbled, "Stop being so slow!"

"Yeah, but Evans is in there, in the library," James said with a dreamy smile, "Do you think I should go and say 'hi' to her?"

"Well, if you have a death wish, I suppose you could," Ardelle said sarcastically, "I swear, you should stop calling her 'Evans' and just call her 'Lily' and just be nice rather than stalking her like a creep."

James looked offended, "I'm not a creep. And I don't stalk Ev—I mean, Lily."

Ardelle snickered at him, "James, honestly."

"I just really, really want to be her friend, Ar," James said with a sigh, "But she hates me."

Ardelle's voice softened, "James, if you want to be her friend, seriously, stop stalking her. Just be nice and polite, and when you try to ask her out, be polite and gentlemanly. And she'll be nice back to you. She's a really kind person, just give her some space."

James nodded, "Alright. Well, should I go say 'hi' to her?"

"Erm...if you want to, I will come with you." Ardelle hooked her arm through James', and they shared an identical grin with each other before marching into the library.


Ardelle punched him in the arm and hissed, "Be quiet!"

"Oh. Right."

Ardelle sat down beside Lily and said with a smile, "Hey, Lils."

"Oh, hey, Ar—," But then she caught sight of James and she frowned.

"What is Potter doing here?" Lily snapped.

"Whoa," Ardelle said, "He's just here to watch."

"Um...Hi, Lily," James said awkwardly, ruffling his hair nervously.

"Erm...hi?" Lily replied uncertainly, looking very confused, "Should I be concerned about his change in personality?"

"Oh, no, don't worry," Ardelle said dismissively, "He's just trying to be nice. He wants to be your friend, you see."

"His friend? Doesn't he have Black and Lupin and Pettigrew and you to be his friends?" Lily asked, looking seriously confused now, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Give him a chance," Ardelle advised, "He's just trying to be nice."

"Erm..." Lily looked very worried, "Is it normal?"

"Merlin, Lily, I'm trying to be nice," James said with a groan.

"Oh, alright. I—I guess I'm sorry. It's just...erm..." Lily said, turning to James, "Okay. Well...I'll only be your friend if you stop stalking me."

Ardelle turned to James triumphantly, "See? Even Lily says you're a stalker!"

"Whatever, Ardie," James grumbled, before smiling at Lily, "Right, anyway, I'll stop stalking," He exaggerated the word and gave Ardelle a pointed look.

"Thank you," Lily said, "Now, I just need to finish my Transfiguration essay. So—,"

"I can help you," James offered, "I've finished my essay already, maybe I can take a look for you?"

"But..." Lily looked very uncertain as she glanced to Ardelle for confirmation.

"He's really good at Transfiguration," Ardelle said with a nod, "He got an 'Outsanding' for his Transfiguration OWL, after all."

"Alright...well, as long as you don't be too loud," Lily finally gave in.

"Don't worry about it, I won't," James agreed.

Ardelle got to her feet and gave James and Lily both a pat on the head, "Well, you two be nice to each other, alright?"

Lily nodded uncertainly, and James enthusiastically grinned.

Giving James a grin in return, she strode out of the library.

She hadn't even finished her own Transfiguration essay and it was due in two days.

She definitely needed to find Remus for help.


"Remus!" Ardelle said breathlessly as she finally got to the Marauders' dormitory.

"Ar," Remus said with a surprised glance in her direction from where he was sitting on his bed, "What were you running from? James?"

"No," Ardelle retorted, "James wouldn't be able to catch me anyway. No, I was running because I need your help with my Transfiguration essay."

"Actually, I just finished mine," Remus said with a smile, gesturing to the several rolls of parchment that was spread around him, "Took me like seven attempts though. If you want Transfiguration help, you should really ask James."

"Ugh, no, asking my own twin brother is just embarrassing. It'll just make him think that he's smarter than I am," Ardelle scoffed, "Which he's not, of course."

"The two of you have equally large egos." Remus said with an amused grin.

"Besides," Ardelle added, "James is with Lily right now, in the library."

"Really? Did he kidnap her or something?" Remus said, raising his eyebrows.

"Actually, no, she's there with him willingly," Ardelle said with a grin, "I was there. I thought she'd just tell him to go away right then and there. But she didn't; she actually agreed to be his friend if he stopped stalking her."

"He always tells me he's not a stalker. But he so obviously is."

"I know right!" Ardelle exclaimed, "That's what I told him!"

"Yeah. Go on."

"I need you to help me with my Transfiguration essay," Ardelle said, "Please, Remus? I'm begging you."

"I'm not doing it for you. But I can take a look at it and help you," Remus offered.

"Take a look at what? A blank piece of parchment?"

"You seriously haven't done anything?"

Ardelle shook her head, "Obviously not. Why else would I be asking you?"

"Right, of course," Remus rolled his eyes, "Well..."

And that was how Ardelle spent the next two hours sitting in the Marauders' dormitory, doing her Transfiguration essay.

In fact, she didn't even get her essay done—she only did half of it.

But she did get a piece of chocolate and an extra pack of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans from Remus.

Which was totally worth it.

Author's Note: 

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