Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 25

Ardelle's first official Order of the Phoenix mission landed her a spot in St Mungo's.

She was fighting off Death-Eaters with James, Frank Longbottom, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Sirius, Emmeline Vance and Gideon Prewett at her side, and Remus had been at the other side of the city with the other team that had also been sent out on that particular day.

It was Ardelle's first mission, and to be honest, she'd been terrified.

But with her brother and one of her best friends at her side, as well as many trusted Order members, she'd managed to make herself feel less afraid.

But she'd lost track of the battle partly through it and she hadn't spotted the blasting curse that had been thrown her way.

She didn't have time to dodge it before she'd been struck, and James had taken her back to Potter Manor after the mission had ended, with the Order of the Phoenix victorious.

And so now she was lying in a hospital bed, with Gideon Prewett in the bed beside her.

Gideon had broken his arm, and Fabian sat on the chair beside his bed, along with Emmeline Vance, who pressed a kiss to Gideon's forehead before sitting back down in her chair.

Ardelle had only been in the hospital for a few hours—in fact, she'd been healed by magic and she and Gideon could leave in an hour, but she was feeling restless and she watched Gideon, Fabian and Emmeline silently, wishing that her own friends were with her.

But no, Ardelle reminded herself, my friends are in a post-mission Order Meeting right now.

"Are you feeling better, Miss Potter?" The healer said, entering the room with a clipboard under her arm.

Ardelle sat up from her laying position and answered, "Yes, yes, much better."

"What happened?" The healer said, sounding genuinely concerned, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh, I just got into a fight with my brother, is all," Ardelle lied easily.

"You've just got a slightly sprained ankle and a broken wrist, but we've managed to heal it easily with a combination of a healing charm and some Skele-Grow. You should be able to leave soon," The nurse said.

"Thank you," Ardelle answered.

The nurse nodded, scribbling something on her clipboard, before quickly striding out of the room again.

The healers at St Mungos did not know of the Order of the Phoenix. They only knew of an anti-Death Eater group that was fighting against Voldemort—they did not know who the group consisted of, or where they gathered.

They were all but rumours, anyway. There was nothing that was remotely close to the truth about this anti-Death Eater group that was even slightly similar to the Order of the Phoenix, save for the fact that they fought Death Eaters and Voldemort.

"You okay?" Fabian asked, noticing that Ardelle was watching them.

"I'm fine, thank you," Ardelle said quickly, though Fabian remained unconvinced.

"You were hurt pretty bad, Ardelle," Emmeline commented, "Do you need anything?"

"No, thank you," Ardelle said, slightly impatiently, "I just want to leave, is all. I don't like being limited to a hospital bed."

"Of course," Emmeline said with a kind smile, "I'll get you some water, and maybe some food—I'll see what I can find. If you need anything, be sure to tell Fab and I, okay? We'll be helping Gid and you get back, so we'll be staying for a while anyway." She gave Ardelle a light-hearted wink, and Ardelle couldn't help but grin at her.

As Emmeline got up to find some food and water for Ardelle, Fabian gave her a supportive smile, and Ardelle couldn't help but feel grateful that she had such good people around her.

Even though Fabian and Emmeline had never really interacted or spoken to Ardelle, or any of the Marauders, before, they were willing to be kind enough to reach out and help Ardelle in a time of need.

Ardelle knew that she wasn't a bad person, but she didn't know if she'd have been kind-hearted enough to do that.

She honestly didn't know—and it made her feel strange.

But those feelings dissolved as Emmeline returned, carrying a few cookies piled on a small plate and a cup of water.

"Thank you so much, Emmeline," Ardelle said with a thankful smile as she drank the water.

"No problem," Emmeline answered, returning the gesture, "By the way, call me Em."

"Well, then," Ardelle said with a grin, "Call me Ardie. Ardie Potter."

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this chapter! If you liked this, please leave a vote/comment to let me know!

Also, if you have a spare moment, do check out my other stories, which you can find on my profile. 

Some questions for you guys to think about/answer:

1. Would you like to see more of Emmeline, Fabian and Gideon in future chapters?

2. What/who would you like to see more of?

3. Who is your favourite character, and how would you describe them?

As always, leave your answers in the comments to let me know your thoughts/comments!

Thanks for reading <3

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