Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 26

Though Ardelle had officially been released from St Mungos, she was still tired and aching.

So the moment Emmeline had dropped her off at Potter Mansion before apparating to her own home, Ardelle had collapsed onto the couch.

"Who's there?" Mrs. Potter asked as she came down the stairs cautiously, wand in hand.

"Mother," Ardelle groaned, "It's me."

Immediately, Mrs. Potter's wand dropped to the ground and she let out a sharp gasp.

"Ardelle!" Mrs. Potter cried, running over to the couch and putting a hand on her daughter's forehead, "Are you okay? Are you feeling better?"

"Y-yeah," Ardelle said, getting up carefully, "Where're the boys?"

"They're upstairs," Mrs. Potter said, "But it's loud up there. Are you sure you want to join them?"

"Yeah, I think—," a boom echoed overhead, rattling the ceiling and shaking the house.

Ardelle shuddered, "Actually, on second thought, I should probably just stay down here."

Mrs. Potter pursed her lips, "Lily and Marlene went out to Diagon Alley. When they come back, would you like to join them rather than the boys?"

"Yeah, good idea," Ardelle said as she stretched and grumbled, "I hate being injured, you know."

"I do," Mrs. Potter said with a small smile, "You've hated it since you were a little girl."

Ardelle gave her mother a smile before she stumbled her way to the kitchen.

"What do you need, honey?" Mrs. Potter asked, allowing Ardelle to grab onto her shoulder to regain her balance, "Would you rather I get it for you?"

"I'm fine," Ardelle insisted, "You can go upstairs and yell at the boys. I know you really want to."

Mrs. Potter gave her a long look, as though she was reassuring herself that Ardelle was okay, before she nodded, told Ardelle to be careful, and going up the stairs.


Ardelle grinned, imagining what sort of trouble they've gotten themselves into.

But her smile faded as she saw the Daily Prophet, rolled up on the kitchen table.

Snatching it off the table, she found a chair to sit in before she unrolled it and read the caption on the front page:

Death Eaters attacking Muggle neighbourhoods. Three Muggle families have been targeted.

The recent muggle attacks have led Aurors to investigate the surrounding areas...

Ardelle read the rest of the article, she felt relief because most of the Aurors at the Ministry were also Order members and would immediately report back to Dumbledore if they found anything.

But despite that, a terrible feeling gathered in her gut as she started crying.

She didn't know why she was crying—and it wasn't even sobbing.

She just sat there, with tears leaking out of her eyes and trailing down her pink-tinted cheeks.


Furiously, Ardelle rubbed away her tears with her sleeve and said, "Hey, Lils. Where's Marlene?"

Lily walked into the kitchen and gave her a concerned look. But then, she spotted the Daily Prophet that Ardelle was holding in her hand, and she let out a sigh.

Obviously deciding not to mention it to Ardelle and to remind her of it, Lily just went over to her friend and gave her a warm, comforting hug.

"It'll be okay, Ardie. Things will get better."

"How do you know that?" Ardelle sniffled despite herself.

Lily gave her a sincere smile, "Ardelle, you're here beside me now. Things have already gotten better for me."

"T-thanks, Lils," Ardelle said, unable to help the smile that appeared on her lips, "Are you and Marls doing anything that I could help with?"

"We could bake," Lily offered, and Ardelle's eyes lit up, "They won't be as good as Remus' baking, but we can try our best."

"Thank you, Lils," Ardelle said, and she wasn't just thanking her friend for offering to bake, "Thank you so much."

The brightness in Lily's green eyes let Ardelle know that she understood.

She understood.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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