Chapter 32

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 32

One year later

James and Lily were a cheerful couple.

As such, their wedding was also cheerful.

James had dreamed of this day since he was an eleven-year-old boy, when he had spotted the red-headed girl with his twin sister while they were waiting in the Entrance Hall for the Sorting Ceremony.

The two of them had been new friends, but if any stranger had seen them they would've thought that the two girls had already known each other for years.

James had probably been staring at the red-headed girl, because Sirius nudged him from his spot beside him and gave him a grin before the two of them were ushered along with the other First Years into the Great Hall.

As James watched Lily today, he couldn't help but realise just how lucky he was—to have been able to have met such a beautiful woman.

Lily was radiant, like she was every day—but today was not every day.

But James admired her, like he did every day, as Lily walked down the aisle in her beautiful wedding gown.

And he smiled at her, and she smiled back.


Ardelle and Remus went up to James and Lily as soon as they could, congratulating the two of them.

Ardelle was wearing a blue dress, and she gave Lily a smile as Ardelle dragged Remus over to her.

"Lils, you're married!" Ardelle said excitedly, "And you look so beautiful!" She pulled her friend into a hug, "Congratulations."

"Thanks," Lily said gratefully, a small blush rising to her cheeks, "You look very beautiful too, Ardie."

"Ah, I'm nothing compared to you, Lils," Ardelle said with a grin. She turned to her twin brother and said, "And you. Congratulations to you too, 'lil bro."

"We're twins, Ardie," James rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," Ardelle said, "I mean, at least we all know who's the cooler twin, am I right?" She winked at James, who rolled his eyes, but he was still smiling.

Lily and Remus both laughed.

"But seriously—,"

"Did I hear my name?" Sirius said as he seemingly appeared right beside Ardelle with Marlene.

Ardelle yelped, "Sirius! Merlin, are you trying to scare me?"

"I mean, I am Siriusly considering that question," Sirius said with a wink.

Ardelle groaned, "Again, Sirius, you've been saying that pun since First Year!"

"Ardie," Marlene said, shoving Sirius lightly in the arm, "It's like he can't be any more self-absorbed than he already is."

"You're supposed to be on my side, Marls," Sirius complained, but then he turned to Lily and James with a smile as he said, "Congratulations, Prongs, Lily. Mr. and Mrs. Potter, right?" Sirius held out his hand jokingly, "I'm Sirius Black. Nice to meet you."

Lily blushed at that, and James shook Sirius' hand with a grin.

"Yeah, I'm Mr. Potter," James said cheerfully, giving Lily a glance as he added, "And this is Mrs. Potter. Lily Potter."

Lily smiled even as her cheeks turned even pinker than they already were, "Yes. I'm Lily Potter."

"Well, congratulations," Marlene said, embracing Lily.

"We better not hog the two of you," Remus said, giving James a pat on the shoulder and Lily a quick hug, "We'll see you guys later?"

"Yeah, see you all later," James said with a bright grin.

It might've been some form of twin-epathy, but Ardelle was sure that anybody who saw James and Lily in that moment would've been able to see that they were so absolutely, purely happy.

Author's Note:

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Thanks so much, and if you have any artwork or anything else relating to this story that you'd like to share with me, be sure to let me know because I'd love to see it!

Thanks so much <3

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