Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 9

Marlene glared at him, "It just made me feel better, that's all."

"So I'm forgiven?"

"I'm not that easily played, Sobby."

Sirius looked offended as he gasped and said, "Where'd that come from? I thought you were the one crying?"

Marlene scoffed, "It's your initials. S, O, B."

Sirius groaned, and James, who sat beside him, snickered.

"She's a tough one." James commented, and Marlene whirled around and turned her glare to him.

Sirius gave his best friend a sympathetic look before getting to his feet and rushing out of the dormitory.

But Marlene, though she was looking towards James, did not miss the movement.

Without turning her eyes or her face, Marlene snatched Sirius wrist and yanked him back before he could take two steps.

Sirius landed back onto the carpet with a groan.

"Not so fast." Marlene said softly, her gaze shifting to give Sirius a stern look.

"Marlene!" Sirius grumbled as he attempted to regain his balance.

James sniggered.

Sirius complained, "Let me go!"

"You're not going anywhere," Marlene retorted, though her gaze softened slightly.

And perhaps it was stupid.

Perhaps it was too bold.

But meeting Sirius Black's eyes...

Marlene leaned in...

And she kissed him.


Ardelle sighed, "Can you believe we're graduating so soon?"

"There's still a long while to go," Lily said with a groan, and Remus laughed.

"I'm sorry, but I agree with Lils," Remus said lightly, "Great job for thinking positive, but we've still got a lot of months to go."

Ardelle smiled wistfully, "Yeah, I know...but it doesn't feel like all that long ago; our first day at Hogwarts..."

"We were ickle little first years," James said, grinning as he swung an arm over Lily's shoulders.

Lily shoved him playfully, "Well, you were."

James pouted, "I was very mature as an eleven-year-old."

"Yeah," Sirius agreed, "We were both mature."

Ardelle gave them an incredulous look, seriously amused, "Unless you call throwing paint balls at Slytherins and giggling about Professor Slughorn's beard mature, then I suppose you were very mature, indeed."

"Oi, you can't judge," Sirius said indignantly, "You did it all with us too."

After a moment and a long glaring contest between Sirius and Ardelle, she finally exhaled and sighed.

"Whatever, Sirius," She grumbled as she reached in her pocket for her wand.

"Whoa, you're gonna hex me? Isn't that a little overboard?" Sirius said, raising his arms in surrender as he took a cautious step away from Ardelle.

The six of them (Peter had decided to join them, for once), were heading towards the Transfiguration classroom from the dungeons.

Therefore, by the time Ardelle and the others arrived at the classroom, they were exhausted.

Ardelle felt absolutely tired.

And so she collapsed in her chair and fell asleep on Remus' shoulder.

While she was in class.

And that, was how Ardelle Ruby Potter got her 95th detention in her seven years at Hogwarts.

The number was nowhere close to beating James and Sirius' record, because while Ardelle was cheeky, she wasn't James and Sirius.

If that made any sense at all.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this chapter! If you liked it, give it a vote or comment to let me know! Check out my other works, which you can find on my profile. Feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments!

Thanks ;)

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