Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 19

Ardelle giggled along with everybody else when James almost tripped over as he walked onto stage, dressed all formal—his Head Boy's badge shining on his uniform.

They had a microphone set up on the stage—even though most of the students present in the Hall could amplify their voices with magic.

Ardelle thought that maybe they just put it there because it looked more formal.

Not that anything to do with James Potter could ever be formal, of course.

"Oi," James said into the microphone, "Don't make fun of me, you lot. I'm your Head Boy, alright? Treat me like it."

That just caused another wave of laughter.

James grinned, "You lot are one rebellious bunch to be doing exactly the opposite of what I say. Anyway, let me get on with my speech, because I can see Lils frowning over there; and I want to keep my head on my neck."

Everybody turned to Lily, who just rolled her eyes and yelled, "Get on with it, Potter!"

James winked at her, "As you wish, Lily. Anyway..."

Ardelle tuned out, and Remus must've noticed, because he shook her shoulder and she jerked out of her thoughts.

Remus gave her a pointed look, and Ardelle smiled sheepishly.

"...and I've had an excellent seven years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There are dark times ahead of us—as I am sure you are all aware. But keep your friends close, and know that they will stand by your side—for as long as they can, if they are your true friends. I'd like to thank my own friends, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon and of course my wonderful twin sister Ardelle Potter." He winked at the group of them (They were all sitting at the Gryffindor table) and they smiled back.

Ardelle felt so, so proud of her brother in that moment.

"Now, I'd like to pass the stage to your beautiful, wonderful Head Girl, Lily Evans." James bowed dramatically before walking off the stage.

He kissed Lily as they crossed each other, and the students giggled as Lily almost fell over.

Ardelle saw Lily give James a scathing look before she approached the microphone and cleared her throat.

"Hello, fellow students. Today I, Lily Evans, Head Girl of Hogwarts..."


When Lily's speech was finished, the Great Hall burst into activity as students said goodbye and celebrated their graduation—they'd leave Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express for the last time in two days, and all of them were sad, despite their excitement.

"Have a chocolate," Remus suggested, "It'll make you feel better."

"Rem, you're sugar high right now," Ardelle groaned, "You ate too much chocolate."

"No, I didn't—,"

Ardelle pointed to the pile of chocolate wrappers stuffed in Remus' robe pockets. "Is that not 'too much' to you?"

Remus sighed, "Okay, okay, fine. Maybe I did eat too much chocolate, and maybe I am sugar high. Whatever, you win. But the thing is, Ardie, you need to be happy on this day. Enjoy our last few days at Hogwarts, Ardelle."

"Yes, but it's our last few days! How can you not be sad?" Ardelle grumbled, "How are you so happy?"

"We're all sad, Ardie," Remus said softly, "Learn to look on the bright side—dark times are ahead of us. Seeing the light will be even more important in those times."

Ardelle sighed, "I guess you're right."

She held out a hand, and Remus pressed a chocolate bar into her hand.

As she unwrapped the chocolate, Remus said, "W...where do you want our relationship to go, after graduation?"

Ardelle popped the sweet chocolate into her mouth as she said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean...I mean that I'm know. have to consider—you're a pure-blood witch from a very wealthy, famous family. And I'm a...I'm a..."

Ardelle said sternly, "Don't you dare say that, Remus Lupin. I love you, and you know that I don't care about things like that."

"I...I love you too, Ardie. But what I'm trying to say, is," Remus sucked in a breath, "Do you really want to be seen with me?"

Ardelle took Remus' hand, "I do. I do, Remus. I want to be seen with you—I wouldn't want to be seen with anybody else." She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed it back."R-really...?"

"Really," Ardelle promised, "And whether we get married or not, it doesn't matter. I'll always want to be beside you. I'll always want to be seen with you, and only you."

"Then...Ardelle...I...marry me?" Remus asked with a hopeful smile.

When she didn't reply immediately, he quickly said, "I mean—if it's too soon, or if you don't feel comfortable—you don't—,"

"Yes," Ardelle breathed, "Yes, Remus, I'll marry you."

Remus kissed her then, and Ardelle smiled.

Author's Note:

Hi! Thanks for reading; I hope you liked it! Do leave a comment and/or a vote to let me know if you enjoyed this chapter!

Now, some more questions:

1. Who is your favourite character?

2. Who would you like to see more of?

3. If you had to describe your favourite character with a colour and/or animal, what would you use to describe them?

4. Any other thoughts/comments?

As always, leave your answers in the comments to let me know your thoughts!

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Thanks for reading <3

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