Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 12

Ardelle sat in the Marauders' Dormitory, boiling a Potion.

It was bright blue, but it was normal, according to all the notes and experiments that Ardelle had recorded in her notebook, which she had titled: The Wolfsbane Project in block letters.

The notebook was filled with notes which she had scrawled from her various experiments.

She was attempting to concoct a potion for werewolves; well, mainly Remus—so that it would improve their lives.

Obviously, it was impossible for a teenage girl to make a cure for lycanthropy, but Ardelle was determined to help Remus—somehow.

She needed a purple-coloured potion—that was the right potion—at least, it was the right potion based on what she had researched and recorded.

Many times, she'd come close to finishing the project, but it'd always turned the wrong colour.

The Marauders knew what she was doing, and they supported it.

Whenever she could, she would work on the Wolfsbane Potion.

But then...she sprinkled some green weed into the potion...

And then the potion darkened...

And turned a deep violet.


Ardelle's vision had sharpened—her hands were no longer there—replaced by paws.

She blinked up at the werewolf—it howled up at the Full Moon.

Some side of her wanted to run at the sight—to run and hide.

She didn't find herself interested in creatures that were so big and intimidating.

But then, the wolf turned around to face her, and she raised her mane menacingly.

The stag beside her bellowed and cantered towards the werewolf when it tried to pounce at Ardelle.

The stag wrestled the werewolf to the ground until the black dog pounced and joined the brawl.

A small rat leapt on as well, attempting to join and help, but it was thrown aside and fell unconscious almost immediately.

Ardelle let out a growl, and the stag and the dog turned and leapt off the wolf.

The wolf; covered in scars and cuts, regained its balance on its feet and turned to snarl at Ardelle.

Ardelle snarled right back challengingly, and the dog let out a warning growl.

Calm down, she attempted to beg with her eyes, Nobody is trying to hurt you.

The werewolf tilted its head almost curiously when Ardelle took a step back and didn't attack.

She shifted into her human form—and the stag and the dog let out a cry of panic when the wolf growled.

"Remus," Ardelle said softly, "Please."

The werewolf narrowed its bright, ferocious eyes, but Ardelle raised a hand.

"Remus? Are you in there?" Ardelle said softly, "Fight it, Rem. Fight it."

And the werewolf's eyes flashed into a familiar caramel brown colour before it's eyes widened and it took a step back before leaping up in joy.

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