Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 6

Peter wasn't at the Kitchens.

But nobody worried too much—he'd be somewhere.

He'd return soon.

Ardelle grinned at Remus, James and Sirius before she hopped up the stairs to the Girls' Dormitories.

When she pushed through the door of her dormitory, she found Mary, Marlene and Alice asleep, with Lily reading at her bed, her only source of light her illuminated wand.

"Hey, Lils, go to sleep," Ardelle said quietly as she slipped off her bag, "Why are you reading? It's so late already."

"I promised James I would finish reading this book by tomorrow," Lily said, stifling a yawn, "I don't want to break a promise."


"Er, yeah," Lily said, closing the book as quietly as possible, "Since I agreed to be his friend, I thought I should start referring to him as 'James'."

"Good on you," Ardelle said with a smile, "Glad you guys are becoming friends. Maybe one day you'll get married, or something."

"Um, no—," yawn "—never," Lily scoffed, but her yawn halfway through the statement ruined the effect of her firm words.

"Just go to sleep, Lils." Ardelle told her, before she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

By the time Ardelle had come out of the bathroom, Lily was asleep, the book she was reading laying on the ground as though she'd fallen asleep while reading it and it had dropped when she'd fallen asleep.

"Goodnight, Lils," Ardelle said softly, "Goodnight, girls."

She tucked herself into bed and said to herself, "Goodnight, Ardelle."


"Come on, Sirius," James groaned, "The Quidditch game is in an hour!"

Sirius rolled over and threw his pillow at James' face.

"Oi! What was that for, Padfoot?" James snapped as he threw the pillow right back at his best friend.

Remus watched the exchange with amusement, a thick, leather-bound book clutched under his arm.

"Remus, don't encourage him," James told him sharply, whipping around to glare at Remus.

Remus raised his arms in surrender, tucking his book into his bag, "I didn't do anything, Prongs."

James rolled his eyes at Remus before he turned back to Sirius and ripped the blanket from Sirius' arms.

"Go away, James!" Sirius groaned.

"The game is in an hour!" James yelled, "GET UP, SIRIUS!"

"Ugh, Prongs, just get Remus to play or something," Sirius said, though he stretched and got out of his bed anyway.

"Whoa, don't bring me into this," Remus said, glancing up at his friends, "By the way, where's Wormtail?'

James shrugged, "Somewhere."

He turned to shove Sirius into the bathroom as the said boy stumbled across the dorm.

"Oi, James!" Sirius complained as he almost face-planted in the bathroom.

But James just slammed the door in his face and yelled, "Be quiet and get ready, Sirius!"

Remus laughed, "Excellent, James."

"You two are being mean to me," Sirius grumbled, his voice muffled from inside the bathroom.

It just made Remus laugh harder, and James joined in a moment later.

A few moments later, Sirius came out of the bathroom, looking quite irritated.

"Be quiet, you two," He groaned, "If it wasn't for the Quidditch game, I'd still be asleep. You better be grateful I'm not still sleeping, James."

"I am." James told Sirius, giving the boy another shove, "Get dressed."
Remus chuckled, "You two are like a married couple."

James and Sirius both whipped around to glare at Remus, and Remus took a cautious step backwards.

"Erm..." Remus cleared his throat, "What's—,"

"We are not a married couple!" Sirius and James snapped, "Don't be rude, Remmy!"

"Who're you calling Remmy?"

Ardelle went into the dorm, dressed, with her dark hair pulled up into a ponytail and her uniform neat and tidy, her eyes sparkling.

"Ardie the Aaardwolf," James and Sirius chorused, and Remus grinned at Ardelle before pulling her into a hug.

"Hey, Rem," Ardelle said quietly, "You three okay? I heard something about James and Sirius getting married."

"Were you eavesdropping, Ardie?" James said suspiciously, giving Ardelle a mock wary glance.

"No," Ardelle retorted, "I could hear you two from all the way down in the Common Room."

"Excellent, Ardelle," Sirius said dryly, "Whatever. We're not getting married, alright? Be quiet, Ardie, Remus. Why are you two so mean today?"

"Whoa," Remus said with a teasing grin, "Who's mean?"

"You are, Remus," Ardelle said with a laugh, "Didn't you hear the poor boy?"

"I did," Remus said, "But unfortunately his statement did not quite make sense to me. Did he just call us 'mean'?"

"I believe so," Ardelle said with a joking glance towards Sirius, "Says the boy who put spiders in my blankets."

"That was one time, Ardelle! Besides, that was in third year!"

"Yeah, well you would've kept on doing it if I hadn't given you a taste of your own medicine!"

Author's Note:

Hi! I hope you enjoyed that chapter. If you liked it, remember to vote and comment to let me know! Thanks for reading!

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