Harkness causes Jealousy (9th and 10th)

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OK LISTEN HERE! This is when Captain Jack flirts way too much with you, and how they react, Female reader btw, but you can always tweak it.

9th Doctor
Jack was flirting.... again...
" When you say..... companion.... just how disappointed should I be?" Jack asked, wandering the TARDIS.
You exhale sharply.
"Ughhh... very disappointed..." You shrug Jacks question off, quite rudely as well, knowing that you love the Doctor.
The doctor slams the TARDIS door behind him, making you jump slightly.

"Hey, Y/N,  I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on." Jack swooned, jokingly.
 "Do I know you? Cause you look exactly like my next girlfriend." Jack.

" I was so content with my life and one day I asked God, what could be better than this? And then I met you." Jack.

"Stop Jack." You mutter, facepalming.

"Did you break a leg falling from heaven?" Jack laughed.

You glance at The Doctor, to notice he is staring at you... and staring at Jack with hatred in his eyes. He notices your gaze and raises his eyebrow curiously.

"Nope, but I scraped my knee crawling out of hell." I laughed, studying Jacks face... it was hilarious.

"Now, that is simply not true." The Doctor stepped in.

"I was just joking, anything to get Captain Idiot to shut up!" I laugh. The Doctor is silent for a moment.... thinking. 

"But... you do seem- it is- uh... sorry." The Doctor stutters. You laugh for a short second.
"Go onnn~" You extend the N, humourously.

"I highly doubt.... someone.... as... beautiful as you could be from hell." The Doctor stutters.

Jack just hides his face awkwardly.

 "I bet she can do a whole lot of bad things~" Jack flirts.

Jack approaches you slowly, while you step backwards cautiously. He smiles as you didn't realise that The Doctor was walking behind you. The Doctor wrapped his arms around your stomach, pulling your back into his stomach. You smile. He lets go of you and you turn. You wrap your arms around him, under his jacket. He Wraps his arms around your shoulders.

"You're welcome, Doctor," Jack says blandly.

"Shush!" The Doctor shushes Jack.

"All a part of the plan?" You ask, your voice muffled by The Doctors shirt.

"Yes, always~" He states, removing a hand from your shoulders, and placing a finger and a thumb under your chin, tilting your head up towards his and...


10th Doctor
You were running.

 The Doctor laces his fingers with yours while you run side by side, determined not to leave you behind. If you were to trip he would help you up quickly. You run into the TARDIS, followed by Jack and The Doctor, as Rose was busy or in an alternate dimension. Jack slams the TARDIS door.

"Hey hey hey... no need for that..." The doctor moans, removing his hand from yours, you felt sad that The Doctor had to remove his hand from yours.

- Timeskip brought to you by The Doctors loneliness-

A while of relaxing and joking, you had decided that you were bored.
"I'm bored..." You state.
"Well.... we couldn't possibly have that, could we?" Jack adds, drunkenly.
"Are you sober?" You ask, concerned.
"NAhhhh *hiccup* I'm much drunker..." Jack slurred.
"Uuuhhh ok..." You flick your beautiful H/C hair as you turn away from Jack, making The Doctor stare at you.

"You must be the cure for Alzheimer's because you're unforgettable." Jack flirted with you.
You give Jack a death glare and turn your nose up.
"Is that funny to you!" You snarl.
"Very." Jack laughs.
"Don't do it again, Harkness." Your bitter words roll off your tongue, you wouldn't attack him, no matter how much you wanted to. You walk over to a chair and sat down.

"That's what I like about you!" The Doctor compliments you.
"You don't attack, you have real mercy!"

"Thanks..." You stare at your legs.

"Lemme try again... uh...  Are you Cinderella? Cause' I see that dress coming off at midnight!" Jack mutters.

"I am/am not wearing a dress. I'm never undressing near you, Harkness." You laugh-

The Doctor is jealous of Jacks confidence around you, as he barely has any when he's near you, the TARDIS detects this and the TARDIS starts playing music, and The doctor stands up and walks towards you...

"What about me?" The Doctor asks playfully, while the TARDIS gives a hum of embarrassment, and offering you his hand to dance.

"Sure..." You say, taking his hand.
You start dancing. You laugh at your husband. After a few minutes, The Doctor pulls you into his chest, holding you close, and like you are made of glass. He rests his head on yours and glares at Jack, while Jack glares at you both with jealousy, and just to annoy Jack more.... and a few other reasons, The Doctor nuzzles your head up off his chest, and presses his forehead on yours. His eyes brown eyes stare at your E/C eyes. Before you know it... he pecks at your lips and mumbles in your hair...

"I love you." Three simple words.

"I love you too." You return.

THANKS FOR READING. Imagine that the 9th Doctor said he loved you after the MWAH!

869 words!

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