Jealousy (11th)

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It's finally happening!

11th Doctor:
You and Rory have always been close, you were the first person to know about his crush on Amy, and he was the first person to know about your crush on The Doctor.
Now, because of Rory and Amy's help, you two are together now. Amy screeches 'OTP' whenever you are being cute together, and Rory just chuckles softly every time.

As you two get along well, you exchange understanding and often absurd glances. One day, you felt super childish and decided to talk and be weird with your nurse friend.
"Rory!" You screech, startling him.
"Yes?" He shrugs, continuing to read his boring-nurse-book.
"I'm bored!" You frown.
"And?" Rory asks.
"And?" You scoff, "find something to do. Or else.."
"Or else what?" Rory asks. Then without warning, you flop onto him and lie on his lap like you used to when you were kids.
"Really?!?" Rory sighs.
"I'm not moving until you find me something to do,"You cross your arms, defiantly.
You both burst into laughter, and at that point, The Doctor bursts in on you both, seeing you laying on Rory's lap, in tears.

The Doctor then walks over to you, his hair swooshing and eyes blazing with a certain disdain.
He grabs your hand, not griping hardly, but relatively softly. You see Rory go pale, as he see's his best friend's lover, who also happens to be a near-immortal alien who is over 1400 years old and has the respect of millions of galaxies, and now... he's jealous, of him and his best friend (and wing-woman, but that's a different story).
The Doctor swiftly, but softly pulls you up, but then gets super nervous, and shyly looks at his feet, as if they would answer all of his problems. You giggle, then you cup his cheek, and rub his cheek.
"Love, was that jealousy?" You slightly tease him.
"Shut up.." He'd grumble like a nine-year-old.
"I still love you more than him," You'd chuckle at The Doctor, looking into his perfect green eyes, while gesturing at Rory.
"What!? Really!?" Rory frowns.
"Heh." The Doctor chuckles, tears finding their way to his eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm yours okay~" You comfort him, wrapping your free arm around him.
"I-i'm sorry." He apologises for seemingly nothing.
"You didn't do anything wrong!" You exclaim, furiously. He doesn't speak. He pecks at your lips, holding you close, burying his head in your neck. You hear Rory sigh and slide out of the room.
You pull him softly onto the sofa/chair thing you were sitting on earlier. You both sitting next to each other, eventually sleeping.

The 12th doctor's jealousy will have its own chapter. Anyway, hope you like my writing :).

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