Massages (10)

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The Doctor had been complaining about a pain in his back all day, only about an hour but it got annoying.

"There's nothing you can do." The Doctor would wince in pain.

"Watch me." You would grab his hand and take him to the bedroom.

"Take your shirt off and lie on your stomach. Don't argue, just trust me."You tell him as he takes off his tie and undoes his shirt, lying down with another grunt of pain. You straddle his hips and place your hands on his shoulders, carefully kneading, rubbing and massaging all over his shoulders, occasional moans, groans and whimpers from the Doctor, and up and down his back and spine.

"You're so tense, dear, no wonder you were complaining."

He was a little hesitant at first but soon began to greatly enjoy and take pleasure from your hands being so constantly attentive to his needs. You would move to his lower back as well, just for consistency's sake, but that felt even better.

Once you had finished, you gently brushed your fingers over his back before climbing off him and allowing him to roll over and sit up.

He would sit up, stretching. You watch him intently, as he moves slightly, then more.

The Doctor leaps onto you, pushing you over, kissing you in short, passionate bursts before pulling away, laughing and kissing you again.

"Better?" You ask, laughing slightly.

"You wouldn't believe." He would sigh and quickly jump up, allowing you to sit up. Now all he had to do was to find a way to get you to do that more frequently.

"Magic hands." The Doctor leans over to you, takes your hands in his and kisses them.

"I just want to take care of you." You grin. "Also, you wouldn't stop moaning. It was getting ridiculous."

"I know." The Doctor chuckles awkwardly.

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