Leaving scare and parents (9)

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(Sorry for the overly generalised parents, you can make adjustments or just not read that part)
"Where to?" He would ask you, grinning wildly.

"Doctor... can I... go home?" You would ask and his smile would completely fall.

The Doctor would step closer to you,"P-please don't leave me. I can change I promise! I'll do anything, please just... stay, here with me." He would nervously grip your hand, a tear streaming from his eye.

"I just want to-"

"Letting you go will be the hardest thing I'd ever have to do!" His tears would stream from his eyes.

"Doctor I just-"

"It's okay. I understand. You can leave... they all do. No-one would want to stay with me." He would release your hand. You cup his cheeks with both hands and quickly wipe his tears.

"Doctor, I just want to visit my family. I would never leave you. I should've specified. Please forgive me." You frown, rubbing his cheeks gently as a tear escapes your eye.

"No." He would chuckle, not really meaning it.

"Will a kiss make it up to you?" You ask, chuckling.

"Maybe if it's a really good one, I'll consider it."

You lean your lips into his, a soft, gentle touch as you embrace. You would break from him and kiss his nose, then press for a rougher, more passionate one. He would certainly deliver, expressing his relief, but it pushes back into protectiveness.

"Mrs (Y/L/N)." The Doctor would greet, after materialising in their living room and stepping out with you.

"Ah, Doctor, lovely to see you again." Your mother greets, shaking her hand.

"Mr Y/L/N." He would greet, pulling his 'serious' face.

"Doctor." Your father holds his hand out for a handshake, but before the Doctor can accept he pulls his hand away and chuckles, their way of joking about.

"I haven't seen you since your wedding, and Y/N, you do look lovely. How long has it been for you since the wedding?" Your mother asks, glancing at your stomach.

"Five years." The Doctor smiles, pulling you against his chest and resting his head on your shoulder, placing his hands on your stomach and, unlike your parents expected, you smiled and placed your hands on his.

"Its only been three months since we saw you last and you both look the same." Your mother inconspicuously glanced at your stomach again.

"You don't look a day older!" Your father would laugh, lightly slapping nine's shoulder.

"And my little girl is just as beautiful." Your father would place his hand on your cheek for a moment, the Doctor stifling a giggle.

"She seems to get impossibly more beautiful every second." The Doctor would smile, separating from you and standing next to you, gripping your hand, fingers laced.

"You two had any... you know, children yet?" Your mother asks, and you just hide your face in the Doctors collar and grumble a 'mom'. The Doctor and your father just laugh awkwardly and your father pulls your mother aside.

You hear slight whispers and your mother putting on the kettle and the clinking of cups and other tea-making sounds after your father joined the room, and apologised to both of you and offered for you to sit down.

You join him on a sofa and he quietly held your hand.

"You're taking your daughter marrying an alien surprisingly well, considering." The Doctor would bring up.

"She's happier then I've seen her for years. Anyway, tell me more about yourself, time lord." Your father would ask.

"Well. I fought in the greatest war in all of time and space, not by choice." The Doctor would admit.

"A soldier. I never expected you to be interested in those. I don't even want to know what happens in-"

"Dad, he's much more than that. He's practically haunted by that war." You cut him off, shaking your head.

"I've had nine previous incarnations." The Doctor proceeds to explain things about regeneration as you yawn and curl into him, knowing everything already, resting your head on his collarbone and his arm around your shoulders.

"You're an interesting man, Doctor." Your dad would think for a moment, "So couldn't you hypothetically regenerate into a female?"

"Well, obviously. Our chromosomes can completely change, but I haven't yet." He would explain.

"I know what you're thinking now, Dad. It wouldn't change much, I would still love him, or her in that case." You say, tiredly fiddling with his jacket.

Your mother walks through the living room door with a tray of drinks, including your favourite hot drink.

You listen to the Doctor and your Dad talking sci-fi and answering each other's questions, your mom's occasional comment from the kitchen, feeling the vibrations of the Doctors voice.

You are nearly asleep before your moms' voice calls out a "You're an alien!?"

"Yes, Mother. I told you that before and you were fine with it." You open your eyes slightly.

"No, but he's really, REALLY alien." Your mother panics.

"What made you think he was human?" You respond, speaking for him.

"Well, he looks human." She would respond, sipping her tea as a way of calming her nerves.

"You have absolutely idea just how self-centred that sounds. Running around saying other things look like you." You roll your eyes and separate yourself from him, rubbing your eyes and moving so you can sip your drink.

The Doctor grins lovingly at you. Your mother notices this and smiles adoringly.

"How old did you say you are?" Your mom sips her tea again.

"Well... I don't... remember." He would admit.

"You don't remember your age?" She would gasp.

"I'm around a thousand..." He would mumble.

"WHAT!" Your mother chokes on her drink, and your Dad goes to make sure she's okay.

"Doesn't it make you feel proud that of all the people in the whole of time and space, he fell in love and married our daughter!" Your father reassures. The Doctor smiles at you.

"Y/N, could you come outside with me?" Your mother asks. You nod, rather annoyed, kissing the Doctor before joining her outside.

"What is it, mom?" You ask, in an annoyed and droning sigh.

"You're really happy with him, aren't you?" She asks.

"Happier than I've ever been in my life."

She would nod, "Good. Can you promise me something?"


"Will you stay with him. Forever?"

"I hope so." You respond. You and your mom keep talking and she keeps asking questions about him.

You walk back into the living room to find your dad and the Doctor playing a video game together. You chuckle and announce yourselves before you approach the back of the sofa he was sitting on, with his back to you. You lean around him, kissing his cheek, both of you chuckling.

"So, Doctor," Your dad would say, fighting an enemy in the game,"Do you have any hobbies or talents?" You sit next to the Doctor, watching how he plays carefully.

"Besides from being a smartarse?" You murmur under your breath, and the Doctor nudges you, still playing.

"Well, I'm good with technology, well I drive a time-machine so that's kind of implied,"

"Before meeting my daughter, how long were you single?"

"Around... 870 years?" He would offer.

"Would you like kids one day?" Your mom asks.

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