10th doctor as a partner (Updated)

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- kissing all the time, nearly everywhere.

- him getting upset when you talk to Jack Harkness and he starts flirting.

-his silly nature rubbing off on you.

-you throwing flirting into conversion and you always have a flirt war.

-you winning when he blushes too much.

-Him standing up for you.

- Occasional awkward silences.

- pranking Jack Harkness together.

-you loving it when he rambles.

-you being a bit intimidated when he shouts and or gets angry.

-lots of hugs.

-helping him finish what he's working on, including when he's rambling and saving planets.

-Still liking and accepting his new regeneration.

-Him being overly romantic, and you just sighing and kissing him, him smiling like an idiot and proceeding to want to keep being romantic in search of a reward.

-Defending each other from everything, from sexism/ racism/ speciesism.

-Working superlatively together, and almost in a syncronised manner.

-Falling even further in love the more time you spend together.

-Playing video games competitively, cooperatively, for fun and as a comfort.

-Shopping together.

-Creating traditions together (you keep them forever).

-Kissing in rain and in public.

-Tackling everything as a pair, together.

-stargazing, visiting your family, plenty of PDA, sharing hotel rooms (and beds).

-Being there to help each other.

-Him being proud you didn't leave him after regeneration.

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