The Gods and the Splinter (11)

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I didn't know what to write, so this is just me trying to shake off writer's block.

"Where too, sweetheart?" He asks, rushing around the console.

"Somewhere beautiful. Don't take me to the bedroom, either." You smirk, and he stops running to point at you with a shake of his head, and a small gasp.

"A far-off planet called Asclepius, after the greed god of medicine and healing! It's rumoured the rain on that planet has special properties so the name is a handy coincidence, including its two moons, Aether, meaning light, and the bigger moon, Eris the Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord." The Doctor flies the TARDIS.

"According to the ancient civilisation that lived on this planet, and observed the greeks -you can tell- A new god, Aether, fought an old, corrupted Goddess named Eris, and Aether locked her up on a planet, bringing him to a healing God, Asclepius, to uncorrupt him, but they got caught by the God that corrupted the Goddess in the first place and were punished. They were exiled to planets." The doctor rushes over to you and grips your hand and covers your eyes, excitedly opening the TARDIS and helping you step outside.

He uncovers your eyes, and you take in your surroundings.

A beautiful light blue planet, with purple water that filled every ditch and small dip, a purple river running about five meters in front of you, tall sky blue (earth sky) leaves and shrubbery peppered over the pastel green grass, a dark, starry night with few pink clouds and... rain. Two beautiful moons, one dark grey, the other a bright white, the rain having a soft feeling against your skin, a beautiful colour mix of pale blue, purples, pinks and reds.

You look at the Doctor, his green eyes reflecting some of the colours they were taking in, his hair absorbing some of the rain, his attention completely on the sky, holding your hand tightly and laughing.

"This is just amazing!" The Doctor exhaled.

"I know!" You mimic, a beautiful excitement filling your eyes as you observed and taking a few steps with him.

"Almost as beautiful as you." He would smile, adding an, "Almost."

You laugh back, "Charming."

"Really?" He would say, separating his hand from yours so he can adjust his bow-tie and run his hand through his now wet hair, as you walk towards the river cautiously, admiring the water and some unusual amphibians.

"Doctor, look at these!" You exclaim, with all the excitement of a new companion, but with the experience of a companion that has been with him for many years.

"They are quite interesting, aren't they?" The Doctor sits down, ushering for you to do the same, and you place your head on his shoulder.

"You know, according to the locals, this is healing rain." The Doctor smiles.

"I mean... possible, I suppose..." You ramble on about the scientific side of the healing rain, the Doctor just kissing your head.

"Pretty much correct. If I were to," The Doctor scratches his arm with a rock until it bleeds slightly, and you scowl at him holds it out the rain, the rain healing it immediately.

"Cool! Don't do that again." You scold him, kissing his cheek.

"Yes ma'am," He would salute, and you restrain yourself from slapping him.

"This is pretty beautiful." You stare at the water, the rain wetting your hair, and the Doctors' hair being equally as wet.

"I can do better." The Doctor offers, mildly flirting, shifting onto his knees.

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