First imagine: illnesses (all doctors)

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Imagine that Time Lords, when in love, have the same illness that the person they love have, and if their love dies (or regenerates) they regenerate or die, depending on which regeneration their on, this is why the Doctor doesn't fall in love often.

This could've been how you found out he loves you, as the TARDIS presented you with a book about Time Lords, and a note with a page number on, you read it and thanked the TARDIS, next time you got ill, the Doctor did too,  and he either denied it or admitted.

This also could've been when you found out about this in general, but you wanted to sleep, and he wanted to sleep with you, but you didn't want him to getting ill. Then he told you, and you said "what's the worse that could happen?"

(This could've been when you were pregnant and got morning sickness, either his child or not, but he complains he feels sick too).

This is just a quick imagine I came up with, just wanted to share it with you, Night Night!

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