9th Doctor as a partner (Updated)

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  ▫ Him being how you met the Doctor, you were both not used to the whole showing affection, but you quickly got comfortable with each other, showing as much as the other was comfortable with, which was quite a lot.

▫ Him proposing to you on the Titanic, before he met Rose.

▫ Constantly sassing each other, but not meaning it completely.

▫ Holding hands when walking around anywhere.

▫ The Doctor getting worried when people stare at you both.

▫him asking if you still want to be with him because of the people who stare.

▫You kissing him and responding with "There is nothing and no-one who could ever change my original decision."

▫him being worried about his age.

▫Him getting self-conscious when people mistake him for your dad.

▫when people insult your relationship he feels like he isn't good enough, you always comforting him.

▫him getting defensive if anyone spoke a word wrong about you, even if it was true.

▫Him hating it when someone stares at you, either with a romantic interest or hated, or even admiring you, and him just standing there feeling a little inferior until you notice, kiss his cheek and walk up to the person and tell them to leave you both alone.

▫You being super protective because you know how the doctor breaks sometimes, getting frustrated at anyone who even looks at him funny.

▫Comforting each other when your upset (He is the best Doctor for comforting others, instead of the "You're not useless" approach, the "You might be useless and so am I" which you always loved about him).

▫ Having the best adventures.

▫ Knowing everything about each other.

▫ All the I-love-you's.

▫him loving your personality.

▫You start to smile like him and you act a little more like him.

▫Him hugging you from behind and kissing your face and lips a lot when Jack Harkness is around you. "Just in case," you say he is protecting his territory.

▫All of the blush when you flirt with him.

▫The way he always makes sure you're okay before everyone and anyone else.

▫ Him always wanting your opinions.

▫Bringing out the domestic side in one another.

▫ The first time you are even remotely undressed near each other, you noticing his scars, practically gaping at them in a disguised surprise, pulling him into a hug after he makes an attempt to cover them because he sees them as 'ugly' or 'unpleasant', resulting in you frequently telling him you love him or that he is beautiful. You would run your fingers incredibly softly over his damaged tissue, planting kisses along them.

▫ He is in denial on how much he likes scar worshipping,
"What is it with humans and fussing over..." the Doctor inhales shallowly as you kiss along a particularly bad scar, "damage like this, it's the past, it shouldn't matter, it's such a stupidly sentimental, overly emotive and physically attentive."
"It makes you feel good though, doesn't it?" You respond with a tiny smile.
"By God it does! It completely boggles me how you can make me proud, or at least slightly glad I have scars!" He shouts frantically, exclaiming. You smile softly,
"I love you."
"I love you too! Why can't I explain this though?!" He screeches.
"Oxytocin and Dopamine." You smile again.

  ▫ He swears you save a smile for him. A soft, sweet, loving one.  

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