First kiss (New for 9 + 10)(+New headcanon explanation)

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EXPLANATION: This fits my headcanon that you met, fell in love and married nine, only occasionally meeting his past selves, of which they have to forget because of paradoxes and other... 'reasons'. Once he regenerated, he didn't hold much in the way of expectations, but you thwarted them, always loving him, always holding a place in your hearts for him. I explained earlier that you were a human, but... well. How you became a timelord is completely your own headcanon. My personal headcanon now is that nine (in my headcanon) transferred certain information that was not specifically his to you through a kiss, and while your body interpreted and, in a way assimilated, the information, he looked after you (you fell in a state that was similar to sickness because your cells were focused on the process, and the Doctor nearly regretted it because he hated seeing you in pain and ill). Other headcanons include: (1) if a timelord decided to mate with a creature with a different biological structure they would become a time lord, but only if they wanted to do it (consent), (2) You had a fob-watch with a hidden timelord conscience and the Doctor made you open it, (3) whatever you prefer.
Anyway, to the preference!

You and nine were cooling off in the TARDIS after a particularly stressful and life-threatening adventure, just relaxing and playing co-op games together in your pyjamas, (You found out he loved you back two weeks before when you were watching movies and cuddling, at the time you shook it off as him just... you didn't really know but you couldn't believe you were cuddling and holding hands because he loved you, at least not romantically, you fell asleep together and woke up, and he accidentally said "I love you!" While you were joking in the morning, and you said it back).

"Could you-" The Doctor asks, leaning slightly against you.
"Yeah, I got it."
"Thanks. I'll get that."
"We did it!" The Doctor laughs and scoops you up in his arms, holding you close, resulting in a few laughs from you.
"Yeah, we did." You smile, enervated.
"I... well, you know that." The Doctor would look at you, his eyes not on yours, but lower.
"Yes, I do. There's nothing wrong with saying it. I love you." You sigh, curling up against his chest as his arms stay wrapped around you, them tightening protectively as a wave of dopamine and oxytocin washed through him.
"I love you too. I love you so, so much. I love you." The Doctor presses his lips against your hair, as he smiles.
"See?" You smile and he just lightly slaps your arm, before rubbing it apologetically.  You both smile as you realise the game is still on. You adjust yourselves so you can be closer together and keep playing.

The Doctor would peck your cheek and you grin like an idiot mid-game, trying to distract you. After you had enough of the game, The Doctor stood up and asked you what movie you'd like to watch, to which you responded with an 'I don't know. I'll watch anything you want to.' and he would just pick up a murder mystery series from 2137. You grin at him,
"Didn't expect you to be a fan of that genre, Doctor."
"I'm full of surprises." He would grin back, casually flirting.
"Oh, I bet you are." You both burst into laughter.
He prepares the movie and sits down next to you, playing the movie and watching the intro, neither of you touching.

A few minutes into the episode, he holds his arms out for you, and you immediately cuddle into him, placing your head on his shoulder and tangling your legs as he gripped one of your hands with his other arm.
You are happily relaxing together, perfectly calm and safe.
You look up at the Doctor and smile, and he would look down, his beautiful old and blue eyes taking in yours with an adoring brilliance, his eyes gliding down to your lips. You move from one of his arms so you can face him fully, still holding his hand, his hand moving to your cheek. He gives you a toothy grin, eyes still on your lips. You nod at him, and his thumb brushes your lips for a few moments.

He slowly brought his lips to yours, eyes closed in anticipation, his hands gently yet assertively griping you, one on your cheek and the other pulling your hand so your hands are on his shoulders before moving them to your waist and softly running his fingers over it, pulling you closer.
You can hear his soft and muffled moans, precipitating in equally small ones from you and the rustling of your clothing.
His soft lips attentively moving and pressing into yours, his body jolting towards and into yours, the way he's responsive to every movement and every tilt just proves he hadn't had a good snog in quite some time. He didn't dare break his lips from yours, tilting his head, trying different angles, nose brushing your cheek and nose as he moves. He, in a fury of passion and sensuality, ran his tongue over your bottom lip, his body freezing in raw hope, and you part your lips slightly as his tongue slides into your mouth, running along yours. You felt as though you were losing your mind, only wanting each other.

Your lips separate and you both gasp for air, neither of you able to open your eyes or close your mouths. You both manage to lean into each other with a satisfied moan, him just kissing your head. Repeatedly, before tapping your shoulder slightly. You immediately look up, and the Doctor presses his lips on yours again, just as passionately, happily moving his hands up and down, all over your hips. This time, you don't even need to accept. This time, you knew you were losing your mind. This time, you knew for certain that you didn't want your mind if this is what insanity felt like.

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