12 as a partner (Updated)

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I'm back.
I went on a huge hiatus and dealt with minor depression and pressure with school and art stuff. If you'd like to see some of my art, you can ask.
With my writing, I like to assume that you always met the Doctor during his 9th regeneration, and also got married during that face, learning about him through what he tells you, which is the truth, but about what you ask,  until he regenerates, where you still love him and he loves you but you have to get used to each other. 


▪At first, not much much physical contact.

▪As he gets comfortable with you, he starts to be more touchy...

▪He might not realise it but he gets super attached to you.

▪Gets jealous when others are nearby.

starts growling unconsciously when someone flirts with you.

 Lots of attentive hand-holding, it's his way of saying 'I love you, trust you and want you to know that I care' when he doesn't want to or can't say it. 

 Him feeling as though you help define him.

You help him discover who he his. 

 Originally, he disliked his new face too much, but your love for him made him love himself.

 Occasional lazy days in the TARDIS together, reading, baking (you could make a book from all of the amazing or amusing things that happen), stargazing, friendly competitions of your hobby (you always win but the Doctor loves the way you smile while watching him or how you perform it attentively) and movie marathons.

 Having relaxing days out, like hiking, having picnics,  double dates with Clara and Danny (it's you and Clara's way of trying to make them get along), going to beautiful places (Japan), kissing on top of the biggest Ferris wheel in all of time and space, going to theaters, looking at your old scrapbooks and maybe even camping!

 Glares of admiration as the other rants about something or at someone.

  Insulting modern trends (like dabbing, for instance) together.

Being rude to Nardole together.

 Being professors at Bill's school for however long you were there, and being open about being married. 

 "What is sky made of?" Bill asks.
"Lemon drops." The Doctor looks at the sky.
"Really?" Bill asks, looking at him with an incredulous expression.
"No, but wouldn't that be nice?"The Doctor would look at her, the ghost of a smile.
"You can be very silly sometimes, you know that?" Nardole smiles. The Doctor smirks away from him and to you with an understanding tilt of his head, before smiling back at the sky, practically making you grab his hand and pull him so you can kiss his cheek, smiling back at him. He gives a loving smile and kisses your lips. Bill and Nardole low-key fangirl with a single glance: they ship it.

▪The Doctor depends on your opinions of him.

▪Love being your main motivation.

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