9th doctor Episodes: Boom town S:1 S:11, interesting parts, #1

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Hope you enjoy my (mostly) full episode rewrite @HabibeIbrahim and any other reader.

"Who the hell are you?" Jack asked the person outside.

"What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?" Mickey's voice rings back, while you and The Doctor exchange a "god-help-us" look.
"Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever you're selling, we're not buying." Jack responds, tiredly.
"Get out of my way!" Mickey pushes Jack out of the way.
"Don't tell me. This must be Mickey." Jack scoffs.
"What do you think?" You ask sarcastically, sitting on the floor, earning a death glare from Mickey and a chuckle from everyone else.
"Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy?" The Doctor smiles.
"It's Mickey!" Mickey corrected him.
"Uhm hmm~ You believe that." You hum sarcastically, fixing a part of the TARDIS, smiling at The Doctor.
"Don't listen to them, they're winding you up," Rose assures Mickey.
"You look fantastic," Mickey tells Rose, you roll your eyes. Rose and Mickey hug. The Doctor is up a ladder mending something, he looks ay you and mouths 'so-do-you'.
"Aw, sweet, look at these two. How come I never get any of that?" Jack asks The Doctor. The Doctor glances at you.
"Buy me a drink first." He chuckles as you very quickly dart your head at The Doctor and stare at him. You always buy The Doctor drinks (what a person).
"You're such hard work," Jack complains, and you just nod, looking at what was in your hands and proceeded to pick up one of the tools near you and continue to boost its operating speed.
"But worth it." He grins like a two-year-old.
"Did you manage to find it?" Rose asks Mickey.

"There you go." Mickey hands over Rose's passport.
"I can go anywhere now." Rose toothily grins.
"I told you, you don't need a passport." The Doctor utters. You roll your eyes.
"It's all very well going to Platform One and Justicia and the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, but what if we end up in Brazil? I might need it. You see, I'm prepared for anything." Rose raised her head.
"IF we end up in Brazil, The Doctor, Jack and me have Physic paper" You grin.

"Sounds like you're staying, then. So, what're you doing in Cardiff? And who the hell's Jumping Jack Flash? I mean, I don't mind you hanging out with big-ears up there." Mickey ignored you.
"Oi!" The Doctor yelled. You admired The Doctor for a second, then looked back, You put the TARDIS.
"Look in the mirror. But these two, I don't know, he's kind of..." Mickey states.
"Handsome?" Jack runs a hand through his hair while you organise some of the Doctors tools.
"More like cheesy." Mickey corrected him.
"Early twenty-first Century slang. Is cheesy good or bad?" Jack asked.
"It's bad." Mickey uttered.
"But bad means good, isn't that right?" Jack asked, and you sighed.
"And the girl..." Mickey looked you up and down.
"Beautiful? Smart? Perfect?" The Doctor asked, turning and walking down the ladders, and walking near you.
"Heh... no...well.. she's better than you." Mickey scoffs.
"Are you saying I'm not handsome?" The Doctor trails off.
"We just stopped off. We need to refuel. The thing is, Cardiff's got this rift running through the middle of the city. It's invisible, but it's like an earthquake fault between different dimensions." Rose exclaimed.
"Oh, I hate starting again." You say blandly. The Doctor nodded.
"The rift was healed back in 1869." The Doctor added to Roses statement.
"Thanks to a girl named Gwyneth, because these creatures called the Gelth, they were using the rift as a gateway but she saved the world and closed it." Rose continued.
"But closing a rift always leaves a scar, and that scar generates energy, harmless to the human race," Jack adds.
"But perfect for the Tardis, so just park it here for a couple of days right on top of the scar and." The Doctor adds.
"Open up the engines, soak up the radiation. Metaphorically-" You step in before Jack.
"like filling her up with petrol and off we go!" Rose adds.
"Into time!" Jack shouts.
"And space!" You all chime (other than Mickey).
"My God, have you seen yourselves? You all think you're so clever, don't you?" Mickey scoffs.
"Yeah." The Doctor chimes, hugging you tightly.
"Yeah." Rose chuckles at The Doctor, who has frozen while hugging you.
"Yep!" Jack smiles, exchanging a look at Rose, and Rose taps the side of her nose.

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