First kiss (Old)

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You, Rose, Jack and the Doctor were in the TARDIS. He was being extra friendly and there was extra flirting today, but you didn't know why. Rose and Jack did.

" you have been going out for some time why don't you just kiss?" Jack asks eagerly.
"Well I don't want to hurt even more when she leaves me forever," the Doctor frowns fearfully. You walked into the console room, unaware of what he just said.
"But you're already dating her Doctor," Jack pointed out.
"Well, I suppose... It wouldn't might be quite nice, and I'm not saying I don't... Stare At her perfect lips... or Imagin- anyway, I'm sure it won't hurt." The Doctor mutters.

The Doctor sheepishly walked behind you, pretending to be confident. You were examining the TARDIS console quietly. Jack and Rose where fangirling quietly in the doorway, preventing to Doctor from turning around and leaving. No backing out.
The Doctor grimaced when he glanced at his other companions and sighed when he admired you.

You turned around fully and asked,
"What is it Doct-"
Before you could finish your sentence the Doctor pushed you against the console and kissed you passionately.
He forgot about Jack and Rose Watching you two, and you didn't know.

You were so shocked you didn't kiss back at first, but then you kissed him back. His lips captured yours after a teeny breakaway. After around 30 seconds, you both break away and the Doctor apologies many times before you cut him off with a kiss and then say,
"It's ok, I wanted that to happen, and it was bound to happen eventually," You chuckle.
The Doctor chuckles and nervously sighs.

You were running.... again... *Exhales* let me explain:
You and the Doctor decided to go to a beach in the UK somewhat in the past, you got too lost in his eyes to pay attention (Creative and smart ik), so you ran to the wardrobe to change. You wore a galaxy print/(Favourite pattern) swimsuit of your choice and a casual outfit over the top.
You ran at a steady pace into the console and smiled.
"You look Beautiful," The Doctor smiles, messing with the console, only looking up for a few seconds.
"T-thank you..." You smile nervously.
"Allons-y!" The doctor chuckles.


"Of course, The Weeping Angels, Why not?!?" You exclaim.


The doctor slams the TARDIS door behind you, leaning against it.
"W-we made it..." He exhales, adrenaline still blazing inside you both. You are too shocked to speak. The Doctor sighed shakily. looking at you, sitting next to him, against the TARDIS door.
"Can... I...." The Doctor whispers, looking you in the eye.
"W-what?" You respond, looking him in the eye, if you weren't both red, you'd be blushing badly. The Doctor put his hands on your face, admiring you, rubbing your face with his thumbs...

That's when it happened. He carefully placed his lips on yours, treating you as though you are made of glass. You are comforted immediately and you kiss back, still softly.

"I could've... lost...y-you..." The Doctor holds you closely and buries his head in your neck.
"I could've lost you...Doctor.. as... I-I.... Love you... it would've hurt me more," Your frown.
He chuckles and lifts his head slightly and you hear his voice utter,
"I love you too.... oh so much..." The doctor lifts his head up... and you see the Doctor, clinging to your shirt, legs tucked into his chest, legs on your lap, body mostly on the floor, his face covered in tears and eyes glistening, cuts on his face, hair wild.
You lean into his lips, placing your free hand on the side of his face carefully, leaning in for another kiss.

You were relaxing in the library, reading with The Doctor, Amy and Rory.
"Yowza!" The Doctor exclaims, reading at the other side of the Sofa/Couch/Settee (Idk honestly), with his feet resting on your lap. He quickly sits up on the small seat, swinging his legs around, and then rests against you, reading a book with him next to you, resting on your side and head on your shoulder, drowsily reading. Rory and you exchange an understanding look, as Amy was lying similarly on him too.

Less than half an hour later, the Doctor is sleeping on you, back to your side while you read, with his head tilted back on your shoulder. You look at his sleepy form. You fish his book from his hands and put a bookmark in the book. Rory and Amy were asleep. You were the only one awake now. You put The Doctors and your books on the coffee table in front of you. Then, you chuckled softly, kissing The Doctors forehead,|{if you have glasses} taking off your glasses (reading glasses) and putting them on the table too,| before cuddling next to him, and attempting to sleep. You either struggled to sleep or went to sleep immediately.

You woke up shortly after, with The Doctor lying on top of you, arms wrapped around you tightly, head on your chest. You chuckle rubbing your eyes,|and put your glasses on| as you see The Doctor's beautiful green eyes, as he stirs.
"Oh..H-hi darling~" The doctor mumbles lovingly, looking into your eyes, light through his hair, he looks like a god, yawning and hugging you even tighter. You giggle and attempt to sit up, instead, The Doctor wiggles further up a little and lifts his head. Then, out of the blue, his soft lips connect with yours, while Rory just laughs super quietly, waking Amy and drawing her attention to you. He uses his hands to hold your arms down, only breaking away for air, and caressing your nose with his.

"Well, had a good nap?" You smile, before continuing the kiss.

"Even better with you~" He flirts, caressing your face with a hand, rubbing your nose with his again.

You were in Victorian Yorkshire with the 'lovely' Doctor... and Clara of course. You wanted to visit Jenny, Vastra and Strax, as it has been a while.

The Doctor doesn't like hugs, sleeping or... most likely kissing. He hasn't kissed anyone yet. He didn't like touching in general.

You sit next to him, while he is lying on his bed, grumbling to himself,
"Why are you making me sleep. I don't need to you know, there's no reason to force me."
"But you do need sleep, you just lie that you don't need to," You respond.
"Hmfff.." He pouted and turned towards you.
"If you don't sleep, I'll be forced to sleep with you~" You smile. The Doctor smirks.
"What if I want that?" Chuckling slightly, you lower your head, looking at his unique face. You kiss his aged lips, softly.
"Please sleep with me, or I won't sleep..." He frowns.
"Only if you hug me." You chuckle.
"I might as well..." He sits up and leans in for another kiss. It was like heaven, The New Doctor's love, and the only one who he will love.


1.07k Reads!!! Thank you SOOO much! !1130 words! See you around!


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