Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
*the next day*jonahs pov*

I can't get the fact that andi might have a thing for Daniel. I mean I trust them both but I really don't want to have my sister get hurt again.

I was already in Los Angeles when Isaac cheated on andi. What sucks is I used to date jade when we were still in freshman years (9th grade). And can you guess what happened?

Jade had cheated on me.. boy Isaac and jade definitely do belong together.

I wonder what happened to them.. if they're still together and stuff..
But anyways back to the point. Daniel, corbyn, and Zach were out shopping for some new shoes but I bet they'll come back with a bunch of bags. It won't be the first time.

I think jack just finished broadcasting on younow so I knocked on his room. I needed to talk to someone about the whole andi thing. And I know andi is the closest to jack other than Daniel and I.

"Hey dude you busy?" I asked

"Uh no just listening to music why?"

"Uh you know how andi and Daniel seem to have a thing?" I asked

"Yep and that andi got hurt by a man whore and you are overprotective over her now" He said in a monotone like those news were painted on a billboard

"How'd you know?" I asked

"Magic!" He yells sarcastically but then continues with "I'm kidding but seriously what's the problem with andi liking a guy and even more the guy is daniel! Our best friend!"

He's right. I mean I just don't want to see her cry. It's hard for a brother to see.

"I know you're scared for her but trust me she can take care of herself"

I out of all people should know that.

There's a side of andi that people in Los Angeles has not experienced. Only our family knows and the people in Minnesota who feared her knows.

I'm glad she changed for the good but I'm just scared if she goes back to her old self she will become twice as worse as before and will never came back to her senses.

Personally if I had to blame anyone. It's Isaac. It's his fault she was like that. Everyone reminded her that he was no good but she didn't listen.

But that's a story for a different time.

*andis pov*

Ugh there's so many thoughts in my brain.

I'm currently looking through old boxes, old photo albums, a lot of memories. Good and bad.

But then one photo caught my eyes. A Polaroid picture taken in the dark.
Isaac and I.

Tagging an old abandoned zoo with spray cans. Laughing. Being happy.

With the old fun Isaac. The old risky me. A different me. A me that didn't care for the world. Who seeked adventure and the one who seeked the feel of adrenaline pumping throughout my body.

The old me who had so much fun. I missed my old me.

But here's my story..

~oh the cliffhangers ;) ~

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