Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

He started to stumble over his words. "It's uh b-because uhm I- i think that you're one of my best friends.. and that you're Jonahs sister. So I'd like to protect you.. yeah that's right" he says unsurely

Why do I feel a sharp pain in my chest.. like when I saw Isaac cheating on me.
I only like Daniel a little but not that much.. plus he friend zoned me but I shouldn't take it too hard right since I don't like him a lot.. maybe.

I heard groans and yelling from behind the door.

Daniel and I stood up quietly towards the girl. And him and I both counted down from three


Him and I both pushed the door open causing literally everyone to fall down.
The all yelped in surprise and in pain.

"What'd you do that for!" Zach yells pouring.

"Because you guys eavesdropped our conversation!" I said back

"But that's because you both are literally blind! You both are crazy for each other open your ey-" Jules was stopped by Zach covering her mouth to make her shut up.

"Whatever.. are you guys going to go home or sleepover?" I asked.

"I think we should head home got an interview in the morning" jack said

The rest of the guys agreed and said bye and waved but Daniel hugged me goodbye as Jules squealed. I just ignored her and enjoyed being in his arms

I'm glad to have Daniel happy. When he's angry or sad it's really a hard view to see.
And when we broke away we said goodbye and I noticed his eyes are bright blue again. And it made my little heart so happy to see him smiling.

Once the boys left in their car Jules grabbed my hand dragging me up the stairs.

"Explain! Everything! From the whole date to your talk with Daniel And if he confessed his undying love for you!"

"Ugh fine but after you have to tell me what's happening for you and Zach"

She nodded her head happily and I started to explain.

Throughout the whole time I was explaining she yelled her commentary like "oh hell no!" "I'm the one who should've punched him instead of Daniel now that I think of it" "my shippppp" etc..

Once I finished explaining it was like her eyes lit up so bright it could blind a person. She looked like a little child in a candy store.

"I bet you he was going to say that he loves you! He definitely doesn't just like you as a friend! I'll prove it to you! Oh and Isaac.. I'm not letting him near you ever again and Zach and I? Him and I confessed that we like each other but we're waiting it out and such" she says

"Jules you can't prove it. He doesn't like me like that.. oh and I ship zules!" I said monotone like.

"Ughhh whatever go to bed sweetie" she said kissing me on my forehead

"What the hell" I mumbled

"Sleep tight hunny don't let the bed bugs bite!" She says before turning off the light.
I have really interesting friends..

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now