Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

I walk through the door to find excited blobs just laughing and smiling

"Heyyyyy" I smile

"Dandiiiii" they yell

Dani and I just look at each other as they mention our shipname but we just brush it off.

"We got the baby pictures but I want to wait till after you meet Sophia and Emma her daughter!" And as if on cue the doorbell rang

*dani boys pov*

I'm so happy I get to father andi's kids. I love her and I would do anything for her it's just been hard.

I want to be there for her, call her mine, and do all the cute couple stuff but my career is on a different level.

I'll always be there for her we just won't be official.

Andi answered the door and picked up the adorable 2 year old. I'm guessing she's Emma? And the mom is the dirty blond girl that looked maybe around Jonahs age.

The little girl ran up to Andi and Andi picked her up hugging her tightly giggling.

"Bro I know you and her aren't dating but that is truly wife goals. Don't screw this up and you have to stay with her as I'm like her other brother" jack says next to me and I just nod my head still looking at her in awe

*andi's pov*

I carried Emma in my arms and have sophia walk beside me.

"Hey guys! So this is sophia she has been helping me this whole time and this cutie is emma!" I smiled to the cutie

Everyone awed and came closer as Emma waved to them.

I noticed Emma clung closer to me so I knew she was nervous.

I shoed everyone to go a bit back but dani to come closer.

"Emma.. uncle Daniel will hold you for a second okay" I said softly

"Otay" she says quietly as she's only 2.

I carefully handed her to dani and I knew it wasn't the first time he's held children.
Eh who am I kidding he's great with kids! Isla (jacks sister) and Reese (zach's sister) adore him!

She immediately loved being around with dani as he kept making weird faces to her making her laugh and I just smiled in awe.

It was time to introduce Sophia now! Syah and Sophia already loved each other and talked like they've known each other for forever but I decided to have the boys get a start off with:

"Sophia this is.." and they one by one introduced themselves until it came to Jonah.

"Hey! I'm Jonah, Andi's older brother and thank you again for helping her out! It means a lot" he smiles warmingly

"Of course my pleasure" she smiles back and not going to lie. They're cute together.
Okay I'm slowly turning into Cupid when I really need to get my own life together (a/n I relate so much).

"Okay guys so I need you all to somehow sit." I smiled and grabbed dani's hand as he set down Emma next to Sophia and returned to my side.

Zach just straight plopped down to the ground with Jules, jack and syah joined them on the ground too as well as corbyn and Christina, as Jonah, Sophia, angi, and Emma took the couch to sit on.

"So we had an ultrasound as you all know.. but here is the photos" I said handing it to them and they all squished together to look.

After maybe 10 seconds I heard gasps.

"OH MY GOSH! TWINS! A boy and a girl!" Christina yells smiling

"I'm going to be an auntieeee" angi smiles gladly.

Everyone else cheers and congratulates dani and I.

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now