Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was filming with my usual camera for my vlog and just walking around the store with Jules next to me with her own shopping cart.

Somehow we ended up in the bathroom area.. this place is huge so we just ended up here and jokes around but then one faucet caught my eye

"Hey Jules! It's sorta ENSEN (insane) that we're living in Los Angeles" ohh I crack myself up.

"Hey Jules! It's sorta ENSEN (insane) that we're living in Los Angeles" ohh I crack myself up

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"HEMNES.. (hmm) stop TOLKEN (talking) about puns it's cringe worthy.. GODMORGON! Wait wrong friend" she winks at me

 GODMORGON! Wait wrong friend" she winks at me

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"Okay okay you won!" I yelled bowing to her

The rest of the shopping was just filled with puns and grabbing stuff off the shelf to buy.

By the end it took us like 4 hours in ikea. Well 1 hour was filled of us being lost here. Even with a tiny paper map we still got lost! Oh well. We bought all the stuff and headed home.

My wallet has flies in it now due to it being so empty. It took quite a while figuring out how to fit everything in the van.. it somehow fit. We just had to fold up all the chairs but the front seats and fit it like a puzzle piece.

During the drive back Zach asked us if we could come over since they're bored. But Jules and I thought we'd use that to our advantage and have them help us set up the house.

I mean why not it's only 5 pm so we should have enough time to even just set up the bedrooms, guest bedrooms, and the "cool cave" as I like to call it.

They gladly agreed to meet us at Jules and i's house and once we arrived they were all sprawled out on our front yard since we haven't put away a secret key for emergencies.

"Woah! Jules! I didn't know we had pet sloths as a welcome home gift!" I say sarcastically while petting corbyns hair.

He playfully hit my arm away

"Wow! A feisty one here! Okay come on my little sloth's let's go unpack the van" I say jumping around towards the van.

Of course Jules and I thought putting the biggest and heaviest one on the top of everything.

Jules was busy fixing her camera lens that got all messed up as she dropped it at the store so I was alone since the boys are practically sloths. (Sloths are in my top 5 favorite animals so no offense to sloths)

I started to move it out carefully but I was scared to drop it since it was my own dresser. If it was Jules I would've dropped it with no care. I'm just kidding I'm not that mean.. maybe.

"Oh wait here let me help you" I hear Daniel said behind me grabbing the end of the long box.

I just realized that once I turned around he was literally right behind me and our faces were really close to each other.

But I seemed to like it.

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