Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

But here's my story..

Before I started to date Isaac he was my best guy friend. He was like my other half.

But before we dated I always wanted to go out and adventure into different places and find a place that was just where I could go to and have fun but I didn't have the guts to do it until Isaac and I dated.

He would show me places, we would tag walls, vandalize every now and then, but we get caught every once and awhile.

And then there was this one time I couldn't escape.. the police went to my house told my parents of what happened I was in extreme lock down in the house for about a month.

I was a bad role model for my little sister, she's, and I felt terrible..

While jonah was out performing in venues on tour, I was out late at night doing adventures.

Once I was on lockdown I realized I needed to change. I had to change. If I were to be arrested again then I'll be staying there for a much longer time than being able to be free to be picked up by my parents.

I was somewhat of the devil child who got into trouble.

But I started to limit myself. Turn down isaac's offers to go adventuring out at night but still find time with him where we wouldn't get in trouble. Spend more time with my family.

I can't stay hidden forever. I have to admit that there was one time where I had felt absolutely nothing. Like I was so confused on why I am still alive. Despite having my family, Jules, and a supportive Isaac at the time, I felt so empty and sad. To the point where I didn't even try going out.

It took awhile to overcome the fear of whatever would hurt me outside. Until I realized I stopped uploading youtube videos for a week. I felt terrible for breaking the daily grind. So I grabbed my camera and spoke my mind. Spoke about why I was gonna how I felt and begged for the viewers to forgive me and understand the struggle I was going through. It stayed up for quite a while. Now it's a private video.

But I had the supportive people there for me. And I basically turned back to being a normal teenage girl with me trying to find new friends.

I hated it at first. Missed all the fun of running around freely but I realized my job to be here was to be a good daughter and sibling. So I grew onto the new lifestyle.

Not going to lie I missed the old me.. but I can't go back.

Why you might ask?

I'm afraid.

Afraid to have my life go downhill.

Afraid to turn back to being sad and scared.

Afraid to loose all my friends.

Afraid to loose Daniel.

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