Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Andi! Daniel! Whatcha guys doing?" Jonah asks

Gosh dang it.

"Uh I nothing. Dani boy was just helping me out here" dani boy? Seriously andi that's all you can literally think of? God I'm such a loser.

I can feel Daniels eyes practically burning a hole into my face.

"Yeah.. uh then we'll all go help you and Julianna now" Jonah said with a smirk on his face towards Jules

"Jonah call me Julianna again you won't be able to speak again" Jules threats my brother.

"Okay sorry! Julianna.." Jonah winks.

Here it comes.

"THATS IT" she yells but I carefully place the box down while grabbing her arms before she makes jonah's arms go missing.

Jonah quickly grabs a wild Zach as a human shield

"Ladies ladies come on no need to fight over me" Zach says jokingly

Jonah laughs but pushes him towards Jules and I let her free into zach's embrace.

Wait is Jules blushing.... IS MY LITTLE GIRL GROWING UP.

"So let's get to setting up?" Jonah says happily because he's free from Jules glare

I giggled at my stupid lovable friends

We decided that one guy can be with Jules and i each while the rest sets up the kitchen, backyard, and guest rooms.

Everyone agreed that Zach will be helping Jules but with me everyone was fighting for who would help me in the room.

Jonah had an excuse for being my brother. Daniel said he wanted to hang out with me and that he misses his best friend and well corbyn said he didn't want to be stuck with the guys.

I chuckled at their excuses and said that Daniel would help me out so I grabbed Daniels hand leading him up to my bedroom which is now filled with boxes.

I realized that Daniel and I would have to work on the bigger stuff first before decorating sadly so it took quite a bit to put stuff together. But there would always be little moment where I'd get this weird feeling in my stomach.

It's probably nothing.

I was working on the nightstands while Daniel worked on the bed head board.

I accidentally hit my finger with the hammer. It hurt like hell.

"Ouch!" I yelled catching Daniels attention

He quickly rushed over to me asking what happened.

"Uh- I- I hit my thumb with a hammer" I felt tears brewing in my eyes due to all the pain.

"Wait here" he told me and after a minute he came back with an ice bag and a cute hello kitty bandage for the small bleeding.

He took care of my thumb and then kissed my forehead to make me feel better.
I blushed madly.

Why am I like this.. I don't like Daniel. Right? He's my best friend, I couldn't. Unless..

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