Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I woke up and look at the alarm clock. 10 am. Eh still early but I might as well start the day.

But then I remembered what's happening today and the texts from Jonah and Daniel..

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind but walked downstairs to find all the boys watching a movie. But where's Jules?
Of course if the guys are here then It won't be easy to leave. Touché Jules. Touché.

"Hey andi! Jules cooked you some breakfast but she's in the bathroom right now" Zach told me not taking his eyes off the flat screen

I nodded my head going towards the kitchen even though i knew no one was watching.

Bacon and scrambled eggs. Yasss.

As I started to dig in I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey andi! Taste good?" I turned around to see none other than Jules

"Yeshhh thanks Jules" I said giving her a smile with scrambled eggy in my cheeks so I looked like a chipmunk.

"Oh and I assume you have nothing to do so wanna watch the rest of the movies with us" she asks pointing to a huge stack of movies with all my favorite movies.

How dare they ugh

"Yeah you should! I know you love a bunch of these movies like finding nemo/dory, maze runner, the 5th wave, and moreee." Daniel says putting his arm around my waist smiling at me.

I don't know I had this feeling in my stomach that made me feel so happy inside. I just wanted to stay like that forever. In his arms.

But Isaac and I's date.. crap.

"Uh I really would. But I have to go see an old friend uhm him and I are going to hang out at 2 sorry" I said looking up at all them

"Hold up.. you're actually going? Andi you can't. Not wi-" she cuts herself off but stays silence leaving the guys so confused.

"I'm sorry but are we missing something?" Corbyn says

"Who are you going with andi?" Jack asks.

"Wait and also.. a he?" He said making everyone look at Daniel for some reason.

His eyes were glued to the floor and he removed his arm from my waist.
What happened..

"Oh don't worry it's just a guy I bumped into at the coffee shop don't worry about me." I said putting my dishes in the sink.

"Okay just don't stay out late" Jonah says

"Wait no! Jonah you're letting her go?" Jules says in disbelief.

"Yeah.. they're just hanging out. But andi bring pepper spray in case" Jonah says

"Of course! I'm going to go get ready now" I said smiling

"Wait andi! Promise me you'll be home no longer than 8 pm. The sun goes down at 8:30 so if you come back any later Just know I know where your photography equipment is at" Jules warns

"But I hid it and we haven't been here for long.." I said

"I have my ways"

Oh lord what's going to happen today.. that I'm not so sure

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now