Chapter 27

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The next day i woke up with a feeling of a person staring at me. Is that weird?

My eyes fluttered open to see the bright blue eyes I love to see.

"Good morning andi" he said softly smiling at me

"Good morning dani" I said smiling back and I stretched like a cat again.

"What's up?" I asked.

I mean one, he wouldn't just pop up because of nothing.. well he could be bored buttt two, were not dating yet so I mean it's not normal to wake up seeing an incredibly handsome face all the time.

"Well Zach needed some help and it's 8 am so Jules isn't awake yet. Can you come with because it's a surprise for Jules?" He gave me the puppy dog eyes..


"Wait hold up, its 8 am and I'm going to do something productive for something that doesn't include me?" I whined

"Yes.. but! I'll take you to wherever you want tomorrow just please come with!" The eyeesssss

I squinted from trying to stop myself from giving in but I had to! I agreed and he picked me up from under the covers and let me down in the bathroom

"Dani what are you doing?"

"I want to pick your outfit!" He yelled going into the closet

"Okay! Shoes are up on the top shelves, long sleeves and short sleeves are separated on the left, the dresser in the middle has accessories in the dresser in the middle, and the right side is separated with all my bottoms like skirts, shorts, and pants" I told him the information so he didn't mess up.

I waited patiently in the bathroom counter for him until the searching for clothes sounds stop and he appeared in my view with a red lacy thong in his hand.
I turned as red as the thong is

"Uh- I- Daniel! Not that drawer!" I yell embarrassed and grabbed the underwear.

"You shouldn't be using that for anyone!" Daniel scolds me

"I haven't don't worry" I laughed punching his cheeks then he lightly slaps my hand away and goes off to find an outfit

Once he was done he dropped the outfit off to me and told me he will do my hair after and we may or may not have had a little fight on me not wearing any makeup. He won so I have to have a naked face the whole day..

He locked the door when he left to let me dress. I looked at the outfit. Camo v neck and black knee length skirt and white slip ons. Wait this looks familiar..

"Dani?!" I yell loud enough for him to hear me

"Yeah?" He yells back

"Are we matching right now?" I ask/yelled from the other side of the door

"Yes" he yells back and I just sighed but oh well, we'd look fab twinning

I put it on and grabbed some ponytails and Bobby pins before exiting

"We look amazing" he winks at me making laugh and blush a bit

I grabbed his hand and made him sit down so he can do my hair

"So mr. Seavey, what hair style idea are you thinking to do" I ask

"Well I want to do some braids as my sister taught me when we were younger" he said having me awe at their adorable sibling love.

He finished and I looked at his masterpiece. I loved our matching outfits because we looked bomb as heck and he did one of the best 2 Dutch braids I've ever seen

"AWH I love it come on let's take a pic" I said before snapping a cute mirror pic of us and dani took one too

"Let's go! The boys have been waiting for us and zach's nervous" I giggled and followed him with our hands locked together and we sneaked out quietly out leaving a note for Jules saying I'll see her later and went out with dani.

~ nu I haven't left for camp yet so I upload here ~

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