Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The whole drive Jules was giving me a huge speech on why i should stay away from him, making sure I don't leave her sight, she doesn't want me hurt, etc.

It's sorta weird since I'm older than her by two years and she has a cute baby face but whatever.. heheh

Once we got home she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the living room

"You haven't spoke the whole ride! What happened! Explain!" She demanded

"Okay mommm! Isaac was there and he said he wanted to get back together and such and how he missed me.. but he did say if I go on one date and I don't like it he will leave me alone forever.. but I guess if I did like it him and I will be friends maybe back together" I briefly explained

"OH HELL NO! Andi! What about Daniel! Dandi! My OTP! I know how you were like before! I don't want you to be in trouble again because of him! And you know what I'm talking about andi. You cannot go and I won't let you" Jules said.

Since when was she in charge of me..

"Jules! Don't you see that Daniel doesn't like me! He treats me like I'm his sister and nothing more!" I yell.

"ARE YOU BLIND?! Do you need to go to the eye doctor?! Andi! He likes you! And Isaac probably just wants you back so he feels power! Don't go with him tomorrow!"

Maybe she's right. But how will I know if it's true.

"Maybe Daniel does like me. But yet again you could be wrong. I just want to see what happens.. isaac was my first love I want to see if he still cares!" I stood up heading up the stairs to my room.

"Wait andi!" I turn around "what are you going to do?" She asks more calmly than before

"I'll sleep on it.. don't tell the guys especially Jonah" I told her.

She just sighed with my response and shook her head going towards the kitchen as I turned around to go to my room.

Once I closed my door I turned my phone on and clicked the 'messages' application.

"Hey Isaac.. about tomorrow. If I don't like it will you drive me back home.. and also one more thing, I will have to be able to have my phone with me at all times. Or else I won't go with you."

"Of course! So is that a yes that you'll go on a date with me?" He responds

"Great! I'll pick you up at 2! Make sure you grab something to eat before it and wear something comfortable"

"K" I don't know if I feel sure about this..
Am I making a mistake?

But then I received another text

"Hey, I talked to Daniel.. do you really like him?" From Jonah

"I'm not sure Jonah.. why?"
Welp that's random

"If you really like him I'll give you full support but what's really happening?"

"Jonah I'm not sure.. I feel like he still sees me as a sister or something.. and there's another problem.. but that news will come out when I'm ready.." I'm not sure how he would react if he knew I was going out on a date with Isaac so I think it's better to keep quiet for now.

"Okay but are you okay?"

"Yes don't worry.. hey I got to go to bed night bro"

"Night sis"

I turned my phone off and went under the covers.. until yet another text.

I groaned and grabbed the annoying phone.

"Goodnight beautiful" from Daniel.
"Goodnight 😌"

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now