Chapter 16

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chapter 16

Isaac said he was almost here but I told him to meet me at a near by park because I'm definitely not giving my address. One he could become a stalker and come kill me in my sleep, two I can't have the guys see him or else him and I would bout be dead.

"Okay bye guys!" I yell trying to leave as soon as possible without them asking

"Wait! I wanted to meet the dude!" Jonah said stopping me.

Dang it

"No it's fine! I'm meeting him at the park I'll see you later"

"Okay be safe andi.." Daniel said plainly. I feel like I hurt him somehow. But how?

And I was out the door.

Once I got to the park I saw him just on his phone.

But once I saw him it reminded me of when he cheated on me which made me feel my blood beginning to boil but I pushed it aside.

Come on andi it's just one day.. right?

"Hey andi!" He goes to hug me but I don't hug back

"Come on let's go it's a bit of a drive" I nodded slowly following him to his car.

I opened the door to the car and were off.
About 30 minutes later we arrived. It was a hiking trail.

He got his bag out from the back and told me to follow him.

I'm quite unsure if it was an uncomfortable silence or not..

Once we got to the top we just sat in the tall grass over looking the city.

Busy people with busy lives.

"Andi, why'd you leave Minnesota?"


I left because of him..

"I had dreams I wanted to follow.." I lied through my gritted teeth

"What happened with jade" I asked

"She and I broke up it was just a mutual breakup" he answered

Gosh damn this is awkward

"Doesn't your brother live in Los Angeles too and who do you live with now?"

"Yes he's with his band mates and I live with Jules" I plainly said

"Ugh, I never seemed to like Jules. She's so uptight. Unlike you you're so loose and free. She just seems like no fun but you.. is quite the opposite. How are you guys even friends"

I feel offended. How dare he insult my best friend

"excuse me? Jules is my best friend and frankly was the one who was there for me all the time. Especially when you weren't" I glared

"Okay geez lighten up" he says laughing to himself.

"Here I brought some food" he goes through his backpack and brought out some subway sandwiches.


We just ate talking to each other with tension filled in the air

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now