Chapter 39 part 1

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Chapter 39 part 1
*the next day*

I woke up with light knocks on the door.

"Hey andi? I made your favorite breakfast! Please open the door?" I know she's trying to cheer me up.. but she's my best friend and I can't turn her down

I slowly got up and unlocked the door and she had a tray of oatmeal, bacon, and blueberry pancakes with orange juice on the side.

"I won't stay long but unless you want to talk about it we can.." she gives me a slight smile

"I'm not in the mood to explain.. but thank you for making me breakfast" I gave her a smile back

She just nods her head leaving me be as she knows that before I just wanted to be alone when I'm down. She still remembers.

I ate my phone just scrolling through social media but then I had a bunch of twitter mentions towards a YouTube video

"Andinos won't like this! Andi Marais exposed"

Isaac AND jace..

They made a video on hating of me.. I'm scared to watch the video but it will kill me in the inside if I don't find out.

The whole video is terrible. All they did was tell lies. Saying how Isaac was my boyfriend before but I cheated on him which was the other way around. While dating Daniel I first hit on jace and other guys on the beach. Another lie. How I gave death threats to them.. which I would never give. And the last two hit me hard

First they say that I used Daniel for fame.. SO NOT TRUE.

Second, saying I'm homophobic which I'm 100% not. I support LGBT if it makes them happy is support it.

How dare they..

I checked my YouTube status, subscriber count going down, the likes for the "expose" video go up.

I had to tweet something. I can't lose the last thing that makes me happy.

Being able to film and make others happy.

@andiray: I'll have a video up soon explaining the drama.. I need a break I'm sorry, something else happened and this had to top it off. Don't listen to what you hear over of what's the truth.

I needed out I wanted to be free.

I wanted the adrenaline to be pumping in my veins.

Because whatever will happen.

It wouldn't matter.

My shine was gone anyways.

I went through my boxes in the closet and found all the things I need

Flashlight, spray can, old dark running shoes, black hoodie with jean shorts and a small mask in case the air is bad to breathe in.

I stuffed it all in a backpack and walked downstairs.

Zach and Jules.

"Wait! Andi! Where are you going?" Jules asked

I know she knows what I'm doing and shes worried. At this point I don't care for whatever happens to me. Not anymore.

"Nowhere don't worry about me. If I come home late don't worry"

All I've done all day is sit in my room and do nothing so it's past 5 pm already
I headed out and got in my car heading towards the abandoned which I haven't been to in a while.

I arrived and parked quite far from the entrance through the fence so I could run away and escape easily and not get found by my car.

This place isn't so strict as a lot of people go and explore this place but when you're caught vandalizing you're done for.

My last strike until I have to be risked to go to jail..

I started going crazy, doing parkour to cross high places, spray painting "A.M." As my initials with an x over it to tag it. Spray painting words "don't trust easily" "broken" "goodbye" but then on my last section I heard yelling.

"Who's out there?!" I hear the manly voice yell.

I'm not so far from the exit maybe I'll make it.. let's do this

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