Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*jules pov*interviewing daniel*

"Hello. Daniel James seavey" I told him making him chuckle

"This is not a joke! You're making my best friend go out her comfort zone so that's what makes you have to be here" I told him with a straight face

May or may not have scared him.

"Right, sorry Julianna Reyes" oh Daniel is testing me

"Ahem moving on, James." I said grabbing a paper and pen

"So, when did you realize you liked andi"

"Well I first talked to her over FaceTime with the rest of the boys as she was still in Minnesota so quite a while" he said

"Uh huh" I wrote a bit more

"How will you act around her? Like cheesy, shy, goofy, playful? Answer me" I demand.

It's fun to scare people who are older than me to be honest

"Well I'd like to be cute and cheesy, but I know she'd like to have a goofy relationship some day and her and I are both goofy people"

"Okay.. well I know you were on American idol, did you look at any girls and kept contact with them?" I asked squinting my eyes at him

"Well before yes as that was when I was 15.. but no I don't look at them like that anymore"

"Okay you better"I say but continued with

"What if Isaac comes back.."

"Uhm.. well I know andi can handle it by herself but if he lays a finger on her then I will make sure that he wouldn't leave without any bones being broken"

"Feisty, you and her deserve for each other"

"Okay and last question, if andi were to want either of these three things what would she pick? Flowers, chocolates, or a stuffed animal" I ask, this is the real question.

"She would pick the stuffed animals, she loves flowers but she'd rather get chocolates or stuffed toys more and not chocolate because there's a different love between food and things she could keep forever"

"Wow you're smart okay I'll give you a 9.5/10" I say handing him the notes

"Wait what where'd the 0.5 go?"

"For failing to wake her up this morning duh" I joke.

"Fair point come on I think andi and your boyfriend is almost done"

"We're not dating!" I protested

"Uh huh that's what they all say" he says making me roll my eyes and mumble swear words under my breath

He just chuckled and left to go see andi.

I'm not going to lie. I loved them together anyways I just wanted to test him.

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now