Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

I woke up on a hospital bed.

Weak and exhausted.

I fluttered my eyes open to see everyone aweing.
Dani right by my side holding a baby girl and on my other side everyone was adoring a baby boy.

"D-Dani" I mutter out

"You're awake! I thought it would be best if you and I could fill out the birth certificates together" he says coming closer to me and kissing my head

"Do you guys want to hold lynae?" Dani asks making everyone yelp of happiness.

Dani hands me the papers to fill out and sits next to me putting his arm around my waist to give me support to sit up.

"Dani, where's our third child?" I said quietly looking up at him

"Andi.. they tried their best. Our child is gone.. she was too small and wasn't breathing well enough so blood couldn't circulate as it should've.. she's in a good place and she knows how much we love her even if she will just be watching over us." Dani says and kisses my head trying to comfort me.

A tear fell.

One by one

Even though I never had the chance to tell her I loved her it still hurts.

Dani rubbed my shoulders. Up and down. Telling me everything would be alright.

"I'm glad though, glad we have a little family to call our own. I love you" I kissed him

This boy. Is the one I love. And the one I will always love.

"I love you so much more Andi" he says after we break away and puts our foreheads together

"GOALS" Zach yells making us all laugh

"How have we not been kicked out" I exclaim while finishing up the papers with dani.

"So... what are the full names?" Corbyn asks

"Raymond James Seavey, Ray for short and since he's our ray of sunshine" dani says

"And Lynae Piper Seavey, meaning of lynae is little blue flower" I smile

"Cheesy but very cute!" Angi says

"Want to hold them Andi?" Jules says

I nod my head in response and I'm handed Ray while I get comfortable until I'm handed Lynae.

I heard a knock.

August appeared.

"Hey guys! Congrats Andi and dani, I just came by to give the kids stuffed toys and take some pictures of you guys" he says

We all nod and dani thanks him.

He starts taking some photos that I'm pretty sure will turn out great in the end.

It was time to sign out and head home.

But dani said that there was a surprise.

A good surprise.

I wonder what it is.

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now